Kevin walked (and when I say 'walked', I'm talking about a little peanut of a boy, just barely 1 years old, where walking looked somewhat like a circus act because of his little stature) into my house my first morning of starting child care. I watched him for over three years and to no surprise, Henry and he were best friends.
I haven't taken care of Kevin in over three years now. They see each other every month or so for a play date, but that's it, but whose name does Henry write on his Popsicle stick as he decorates it with his Sharpie, Kevin's. KEViN + Henry.
His best friend in Kindergarten is not in his class this year. When Henry sees him at recess, he's thrilled, only his 'best friend' has managed to give him a bloody nose, kicked him in the 'nerds' (as we like to call them here) and refused to play with Henry, 'maybe in a day or so' he tells him. Henry is *still* waiting patiently for him, still calls him his 'school best friend'.
He is amazingly loyal. I love that
so much about him.
This week has been tough. For some reason, I've
just come to realize that parenting is
always going to be hard. I'm not up worrying about my baby's napping schedule or pondering over getting ABC's taught, I'm sitting here with my stomach twisted up, worrying about my first grader.
More talk of ADD. More wishing we had a crystal ball wondering if immersion is the right thing. More fretting in getting our other kids in the school if we pull Henry out. More contemplation about moving into the same school district as the school.
Today, I kind of wish that I could go back to that day when Henry and Kevin sat next to each other, high chair to high chair. I wish that I could simply be worried about not getting their lunches too hot.
Being a parent to a first grader can suck as much as being a parent to a newborn, differently suck, be still well... suck, but I can be loyal too; I'm sticking up for Henry, trudging through this unknown academic terrain for him.
I wish I could just make it easy for him, of course, that would only make it easier on me but if he can take
a kick in the nerds once in awhile, so can I.