Monday, October 11, 2010

good times

I spent Friday night shopping at Goodwill.

It's depressing. Not that I'm too good for Goodwill, but that I can't fit into any of my pre-pregnancy clothes and I don't want to spend money on a few pair of pants that actually fit. I'm tired of wearing maternity clothes and honestly, I need to give them back to my friend... it's not like I'm the only pregnant person she knows.

I'm sick of cinching up my maternity pants with the two belts that I have that are large enough to make it around my waist so that my butt isn't cracking a smile to those that sit behind me at story time (and the two belts that fit are a leopard printed belt and one that I took from my husband).

It's sad that I eyed the girl in Target with a baby in a car seat perched in her cart. I measured her up and decided that she *must* have had a baby at *least* six months ago to be that stinkin' skinny, then I saw she was buying size one diapers, then she turned around and I knew her. She was from my hippie, multiple-couple birthing classes. We were all due around the same time. Awesome.

There are blogging friends of mine that have had their babies within days of me having Edy. I'm so thankful and happy to have them... that we are going through similar things together, but knowing that they are within a few pounds of being their pre-pregnancy weight sucks.

I remember this black skirt that I wore after having my surrogate son, I zipped it up with ease a week after having him. I remember the only thing exciting about going back to work after having Henry was being able to wear my work clothes again. I tried them all on in this big pile on my bed. I smiled at being able to wear suede and pumps again, even if I was leaving my baby.

I don't want to hear the same thing I heard from my midwife... 'sometimes your body just hangs onto those pounds'... that doesn't help. I don't want to hear about diet and exercise, blah, blah, blah... because if you knew me, you would know that I'm a self-proclaimed gym rat.

Maybe I'm just writing this out to tell you all that I was at Goodwill on Friday night and I got a rockin' Spiderman costume for Wu for $2.99.


MommyLisa said...

I wish I were any help...I am FAT!! I mean really fat.

And I try - but I fail.


Jenn said...

Hang in there momma...I am no where NEAR where I need to be and growing more frustrated with myself by the day. So I'm not help, but I feel your pain!

Mimi N said...

It took me so long to lose my last baby fat. Oh my goodness, the avatar of Mommy Lisa is HYSTERICAL!! Nice butt Mommy Lisa! Way to go on the costume score. I'm not going to say anything "encouraging" to you because it'll just sound patronizing or stupid. =)


Mandy said...

You are preaching to the choir here, sister! Our sweet little baby Frog is going to be ONE next month and I cannot.lose.this.weight! Third child weight gain STICKS!! Who the hell neglected to tell me that?! Maybe it's because I am over thirty (something--cough, cough) now....


Shan said...

Okay, being one of your blog friends who birthed around the same time and is now below my pre-pregnancy weight, I'll let you in on a secret, but just keep it between us, will ya? I have a fat, jiggly ass. I'm now two pounds under the weight I was when I got pregnant with Madelyn, but I still can't wear the pants from back then. I mean... if I'm *completely* honest, I *could* wear them. I'd look like an airport security guard and probably have a friction wound around my waist and yeast infection in a week, lol, so I'm sticking to my baggy pants.
Ugh! Like it's not bad enough that I'm telling you this, Tom just asked what I was typing, so I had to say to my *husband* that I have a fat, jiggly ass. Not like he doesn't know it already, but... you know.


Shan :+)

amanda said...

i just made a whole batch of cookies tonight and i can't tell you how many i have eaten. or how many more i plan on eating tonight.

want to keep that baby belly with me? instead we can call it a cookie belly?

Unknown said...

You've not been doing much for my hope lately. No baby cooperation and now I'm looking at being stuck in maternity yoga pants for the next year. Thanks. You jerk.

Emmy said...

Yeah for good deals at least :)

citymouse said...

The best I can do is send good vibes your way! Each one of my pregnancies left a little souvenir behind (and I do mean behind). Hopefully your body will get the memo soon. Until then, GW is my favorite place to shop! (And it's a good distraction.)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Ummmm...I can't help. I got out the maternity clothes like 3 weeks ago. For real. And, I'm quite certain, it will be even harder to get the weight off this time around for me.

But, I remember after that first kid going and buying some jeans because the maternity ones were falling off and I couldn't even come close to zipping up the others.

BTW, the girls make your hips bigger...they are turds like that.

Anonymous said...

It took me a year with both girls to lose the weight. Each month it would slowly come off and that would spur me on, plus I would squeeze myself into tighter clothes around the house just as a reminder to NOT eat!

So I lost the weight and then I started blogging and now apparently I am sitting more and getting wider as a result.

Sitting=fat ass as an acquaintence recently told me. Specifically she said that I was going to get a fat ass the minute I hit 40.



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