Monday, October 18, 2010

confession from the car seat

My babies like to sleep, like a lot. My husband jokes that they waste the first months of life sleeping it away.

People like to ask me what's my 'secret', what kind of advice do I have for them. I'm not one to give out tons of advice. No, I'm not the Baby Whisperer... It's just that I let them sleep in their (insert gasp) car seat. (Please, tell me I'm not the only one.)

(and go ahead, google 'kids sleeping in car seats' - you'll find the phrase bad mommy on the first page.)

but you know what, I've decided with the third child,

I just don't care. I'm not going to worry so much, it always works itself out.

That's my secret.

Even better, that's my *newest* best advice.


I was engaged by and AVENT to participate in a talk regarding Motherly Advice, you can find more (inspiring and informative) here. It was fun... thanks for allowing me to be an 'expert' (snicker, snicker...)


Emmy said...

Since my son has bad reflux we often do this too just so he won't spit everything up. And hey, who really wants to move and possible wake up a sleeping baby

Jenn said...

Will only (and I mean ONLY) would sleep in his car that's just what we did, because it worked. Gotta do what works. Just like Benji will only sleep on the couch (for the most part) so we let him...

@ly said...

For the first 18 months of my son's life he did not sleep through the night. Most of those beginning month's he either slept in a swing or in a seat like that. I would sleep on the couch right next to him. He's 16 now and sleeps like a rock and is hard to wake up!

Murdock's mama said...

My mom has a daycare and she does this often with little babies. You're just an experienced mama! :)

Shannon said...

I don't think it is a big deal. I have a car seat that inserts into a swing base so that you can take your sleeping babe from the car and put them on something still moving so they can continue sleeping. My little guy always slept in that.

Shan said...

I never did it with Corey (em... he was born so long ago, the carrier was a new-fangled and way too expensive item I'd never even heard of before. You'd die laughing if you saw the thing we put him in.)

Mad *loved* her car seat after the first couple of weeks. It rocks, too, so I'd just give her a push with my foot if she squirmed.

Fynn? She couldn't hate it more. She teased me a couple of weeks ago with quiet car rides, but that's over. Now I find myself just pulling her directly out of the car seat instead of carrying her into the house in it. *HATES it* Yeah, I'm jealous.

Joanne said...

Yup- my little guy was a carseat sleeper as well!!! No shame mama, no shame at all.

Loukia said...

I know lots of people who leave their babies sleeping in the car seat. There is no problem with that at all, as long as you keep an eye on the baby! I did it all the time, too. I loved when my baby would be sleeping in his infant carrier - I could shop with no distractions! ;)

Aryn said...

I mean seriously...think about all the husbands who fall asleep on the couch. And they are perfectly content. We don't worry about them; why should we worry about the babies?

Unknown said...

Eli didn't sleep in his carseat regularly, but there were many times when we would leave him in the carseat for the night. Its better than spending two or three hours trying to get them back to sleep!

MommyLisa said...

Sometimes I would put that car seat IN the co-sleeper so she would sleep.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Aren't you the worst?

The girls napped terribly at daycare, and would pass out on the way home...where they stayed in their carseat (in the house) until they woke up to be fed.

amanda said...

you are so not the only one.

and gasp - mine sometime sleeps in the car seat on top of the dryer!!

i know i know. wild.

Anonymous said...

Right on mom! Avery slept in her car seat all the time. Whatever works!

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

First and foremost. That is the most precious looking baby girl I have ever seen! Well, ok. Aside from mine. :)'re so not alone. Mine used to sleep in her carseat. In her swing. And *gasp* on her belly as a newborn!

She is now 2 and is doing a-ok thankyouverymuch! :)

Great advice!

saucersrus said...

You are not alone in this one :) We actually had a doctor tell us to put our oldest in the carseat to sleep when he had an upper respiratory infection!!

Sandra said...

I have four kids. The second, third, and fourth slept, not in their car their swings!!!! Like all night! And guess what? they're still alive and now they've graduated to beds!
I don't think you're a bad mommy at all. I love that you are honest!
And come on, that baby is effin cute! She can sleep wherever and whenever she wants (I hope it was a she...?...if not, sowwwy!)

Rebecca said...

So, do you put her to sleep in the seat when she normally wouldn't be in her seat? What I mean is, if we have Walt in his carseat in the car and he falls asleep, we let him finish his nap there. We haven't put him to sleep in his carseat when he's not going for a car ride, though. Is that what you do with Edy? If so, what's the difference between that and having your baby nap in a swing? I know that's not ideal, but don't we all do it? If it works, what's wrong with it? Did I miss some kind of mommy warning or something?

AiringMyLaundry said...

I wish my kids slept a lot.

I recall Natalie cried most of the first months of her life.


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