Wednesday, October 27, 2010

cause we're fancy like that

I can hear my sister from here, over 100 miles away, shouting into her Mac screen 'I told you so!'

When she was engaged and registering for plush new towels and cool little kitchen gadgets she excluded china. I scrunched up my nose and told her she 'would be sorry' because 'at some point in her life she would be adult enough to pull out the china, polish the silverware and place her table for Thanksgiving dinner with a beautiful 12 piece set'

but she scoffed at me, told me she was only going to get something she would use everyday, scanned a couple boxes of dish sets from Target, and went on her merrily way.

I was convinced she would regret it.

Only after celebrating our 8th anniversary a couple weeks ago, and having this epiphany that having a four bedroom house, three kids and two really disgustingly dirty bathrooms, did I figure out that I must finally be an adult

and we've pulled out that china maybe 5 times.

So, my husband went to Home Depot, bought 10 feet of bubble wrap and a few cardboard boxes, and put everything away in storage (much to my defeat).

I negotiated keeping out the silverware.

Our kitchen drawer is now filled with the nicest spoons, knifes and forks around. Ones that I stir my coffee with and ones that I put on the plates for lunchtime with my child care kids.

We even use the salad forks. (FYI, they are suppose to have that little notch in one of the tines, it's suppose to help grab the lettuce salad or something like that. It looks like this:

and by telling you this, I'm totally not saying that I didn't know this and that my mother never called Macy's when the first set arrived complaining there was a defect in the salad fork only to be told ever-so-nicely that they were suppose to look like that. Umm, no way, we are way too classy to not know that.)

So apparently we are now classy people, with fancy everyday forks and spoons,

and apparently I'm now an adult.

How the heck did that happen?


Liz Mays said...

My mom convinced me to register for all that fancy stuff too. I have two sets of fine bone china, crystal, silver flatware, and who knows what else. None of it has ever been used. I guess I'm going to end up passing it on to my daughter who will probably also never use it!

But I do love your everyday flatware and I had NO idea of those classy notches either!

Jenn said...

If/When I get hitched I want Fiesta-Ware and LOTS OF IT! LOL! All different colors! Someday...someday...

Funny about the forks...I would've had NO idea! Guess I'm not that fancy either! (Says the girl who sometimes gives the kids paper plates so we don't have to do as many dishes...LOL!)

Unknown said...

I compromised by registering for "every day china": fancy looking, but you can put it in the dishwasher. And a girlfriend of mine uses her grandmother's china at playdates, then pops in in her dishwasher because her grandmother so wisely advised her that if it breaks in the dishwasher, its not worth having. Now that's some sage advice!

Aryn said...

Yeeeeeeessssssss! I am honored (to be right, of course).
And adult sch-malt. It's all just a big game of house, complete with fancy spoons and salad forks.
Thanks for the lovely nod. My Mac was surprised to hear the shout.

4luvandlife said...

But we have more space now. Doesn't that feel nice?

Anonymous said...

I didn't know that about the salad fork! I assumed it was there for a reason but never thought about it. And hell, why bother having nice things if you are never going to use them? You can always polish the silverware if it gets banged up.

LutherLiz said...

Let me know how being an adult goes. I'm trying to resist!

Emmy said...

Yes that fancy stuff seems so appealing but really is wortless.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

My MIL convinced me to register for china, too. We've used it twice (in fact, it sat in boxes for the first 5 years)!. We never got any silverware, and we've already lost some of our flatware.

You are one classy chicka!

citymouse said...

My mother was a realist. My "good" china came a place setting at a time from the local IGA supermarket. By the time I was 16, I had a complete set for 16 people. At least they are bone china from Germany (even if they have horrible little blue roses on them). They are still packed away in the crate she stored them in and I've been married almost 25 years.

Since I never selected my own, I decided to collect a vintage Noritake pattern, mostly on eBay. Now I've spent a ton of money on what I consider my own china, that I still don't use!

Shan said...

LOL, when we registered, you would have thought the woman helping us earned a commission based on getting us to put china on our list. I finally pulled Tom aside and said we should just do it to get her off our backs, and that we'd delete it later. Fast forward to after the wedding... we were getting some things with gift cards. Same girl helped us. Saw her peruse our copy of the registry, realize that the china was "missing" and look at us like we just didn't get it. Oh I get it. I knew who I lived with. We use the good silver, too... he pieces that haven't been chewed up in the garbage disposal anyway.

Sarah said...

Seriously, if they're going to get all fancy and put that
little "lettuce grabber bump" on the salad fork, why don't they put the bumps on ALL the tines? Dude - I think you got gyped.

amanda said...

totally pulled out our fancy silverware a little over a year ago and decided we were probably never really going to be fancy.

or maybe i just realized that i am an old lady?

Laural Out Loud said...

I'm using my fancy silverware! The nice thing about fancy silverware is it's durable. I love the extra dimension it gives to the every dayness of life. As for china, I have my great grandmother's set in a box under the stairs. I'm too afraid to use it!

Mnmom said...

We registered for Dansk stoneware that's pretty like china but so very practical. And I used it. But we moved into a tiny house and it's still packed away, and I miss it terribly.

I didn't know about the lettuce notch because I'm one generation removed from pure white trash.


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