Monday, November 1, 2010

gut rot

It started mid-afternoon, getting worse as evening approached. My stomach would twist, I felt like I could throw up, my heart felt flat and sometimes, especially in the beginning, I cried, like clock-work, every Sunday.

Halloween night, six years ago, was the first night that I *didn't* experience the pang of having to leave my son in the care of someone else as I settled into my cubicle. On a Monday, six years ago today, I started staying home with Henry.

I remember telling my husband that I felt like the luckiest person in the world.

I don't always feel like that anymore, especially when the weather has changed, the nip in the air changes our moods. When we all get forced inside, we all get on each others' nerves a bit more.

But Halloween seems to be this yearly reminder for me, I am lucky. I get to hear the funny things they say about their lunch. I get to see them 'reading' magazines while on the toilet. I get to look into those eyes as they sparkle with a smile, all day long.

There might be some gut rot come Halloween, but it's from eating too many Kit-Kat bars I've snuck out of my boys' bags when they were knocking at the door at a neighbor's house.

Lucky me.


LutherLiz said...

Very lucky you! Yay!

Some day.

Mimi N said...

Yah, this weather is always hard to get used to and sometimes it just seems so difficult to transition. Being a SAHM is such a blessing! Look at that baby! So big and adorable!


citymouse said...

I've worked FT and PT and not at all outside the home. Ethan and Andrew are 15, so being a stay at home mom really doesn't mean what it once did in my family. Looking back through the eyes of someone who can see emptynesterdom not too, too far off, I think you made the right decision. It seems like they'll be young forever and that you won't miss all that much by not being there, but the truth is they do grow up way to quickly and you do miss so much when you're not there. Enjoy it... especially while they are still young and sweet.

Mandy said...

You are lucky!! And what adorable children they are!!

Murdock's mama said...

Great are lucky! So many people forget about the little moments you can't plan in your childs get to see them! :) Good choice mama!

Rita Templeton said...

Yes ... we definitely are the lucky ones. Sometimes it's hard to remember that when we're in the midst of cleaning up the thousandth mess or answering the ever-present call of, "Mommmyyyyy!" - but it's all so worth it. :)

Mrs. M said...

Cute pictures! Loved your post - you have more to celebrate than Halloween every year! :)

Aryn said...

Awwww! That's so sweet. I can't believe it was only 6 years ago...crazy. And those photos are great - good work, B. I want copies!
AND - Edy's getting HUGE! I love her!

amanda said...

happy home anniversary friend.

ps - i so see you in that last picture :)


Unknown said...

Talk about perfect timing. This has been - no lie - the worst day Eli and I have ever had and I was just thinking that maybe I'm not cut out for this. Maybe I should got back to work. Then I read your post. Thanks for the hope.

Emmy said...

It truly is a blessing to be able to stay home. Great pictures!

Capital Mom said...

Luky you. And lucky me. Although I don't remember all of the time either.

Liz Mays said...

Amen. I feel so blessed to have been home for my kids all these years too. What a gift to us and to them!

kristine said...

Definitely lucky!!

Shan said...

Happy belated anniversary to the luckiest mom in the world... even if it doesn't always feel that way.


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