Thursday, November 4, 2010

butt blind

Wyatt was thrilled to see those sisters again this past week at McDonald's Playland(yes, I said again this week). He was over the moon excited that (1) he knew they would play with him since they did the previous week and (2) that they were cute little girls that would play with him.

One of the sisters had an arm that was only a mere, maybe, 6 inches long, short enough that she wasn't able to use this arm at all, not that it mattered; she climbed the ladders and crawled through the tunnels faster than her sister (or Wyatt) could.

The first time Wyatt started playing with them, I sat there ears tuned in, waiting to see if he would say anything to her about her arm, not because he's rude, but because he's three; he doesn't have this politeness sensor. He's a curious kid, he likes to talk a lot, and well, like I said, he's three.

I waited in anticipation, ready to smooth out any awkward situation and then...

I waited more.

He never mentioned anything. Not even, as I expected, a little question or two on the way home, pondering his fun playtime from the back seat.

I was so proud of him: he has this natural blindness to something that was so obvious to me. What mother wouldn't be proud of her son in a moment like this?

So of course, yesterday morning, as I finally was able to squeeze into a pair of my own, pre-pregnancy/now I'm just fat jeans, what does my three year old, blind to differences, child say to me as I turn to switch on Team Umizoomi.

"Mommy, I can see your biggggg butt."


Kristen Alexis said...

I love your blog concept of anti-mom. I feel that my mom was the same way with my sister and I when we were growing up. Good for you! :) I love reading your posts. hopefully you can follow back :)

Shan said...

Oh... yikes! I'm working on a witty explanation. I'll get back to you on that.

In the meantime, woohoo on getting into your pre-pregnancy jeans! I've lost more weight, but I'm still comfortably cloaked in the jeans I bought when I wasn't quite big enough for maternity pants when I was expecting Mad. The best I can say is I'm no longer rockin' the camel toe.

Laural Out Loud said...

My daughter started to notice, my *ahem* roundness when she was three. She's much kinder now, lol.

MommyLisa said...

My daughter says she wants a BIIIIG BELLY just like me and daddy. sigh.

Unknown said...

Oh, I totally lol'd on that one. Seriously, congratulations on getting back into those pre-pregnancy jeans! Very exciting! Luckily for me, Eli still doesn't notice "The Big".

Emmy said...

Well just like I tell my son, I would rather have him be good in public than at home :)

Kara @ His, Hers and Ours said...

OMG! Hilarious!! Outta the mouth of babes, for sure!! :)

Capital Mom said...

LOL. Sounds like he knows how to focus on the important stuff. :-)

LutherLiz said...

mom's aren't people are they? LOL. Oh well, getting back in pre-pregnancy anything is generally a good thing!

amanda said...

ha! love that you called them "now i am just fat jeans"
so so so true. doesn't matter what kind of weight you lose, nothing fits the body the same way post baby. nothing.


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