Thursday, September 30, 2010

so much wrongness

I can't believe that this jacket is still in donation circulation. There is so much wrong with it; from the baby dolman sleeves, to the partial heart on the chest, to the rainbow elastic cuffs. I think I've entered my own Hot Tub Time Machine and Edy's jumped in too, poor thing. (Yes, I admit to watching this movie, don't judge me!)

And please don't think I'm a clothing snob, you should have seen what my oldest wore to school today, this jacket's just bad... really, really bad. So the question is: do I keep this in circulation?

At least for a good laugh?

PS - thank you, friend for all the clothing. Since you are a friend, I know that you would have never put your own daughter in this and probably just bagged it up and gave it to me, hoping it would make it in my blog.


KristinFilut said...

LOL!! I see kids in stuff like that and shake my head. I'm pretty sure it wasn't even ok to put on my daughter when she was little, and well, you know how big she is...

Anonymous said...

I can't believe you pulled out "baby dolman sleeves" I've never used those words together before. I'm impressed. What size is it? I ask because you'll need to get rid of it before she's able to give an opinion about her clothes and actually want to wear it. Mallory wore velour, purple overalls with elmo and cookie on the pocket. It was a gift and I didn't toss it before, "Mama, I NEED to wear that!!"

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I'm all for hand-me-downs, but I think I would have done a goodwill pass on this one. I'm sure somebody could really use know, if they are cold.

PS We saw HTTM this past weekend....kinda silly.

Liz Mays said...

Seriously...rotation needs to be discontinued! lol

Emmy said...

Lol! Oh I needed a laugh tonight.

freddielyle said...

It could be worse... it could look like a roll of lifesavers! We were passed an outfit that had never been worn (our friends even said they hated it when they gave it to us!). It was lime green with a giraffe on the shirt. The pants looked like two rolls of lifesavers! We passed it on to another friend- as a joke!!- and they actually put it on their son and posted pictures of it on their blog! I'm not sure that they understood we were joking, so we never said anything...

Rebecca said...

Um, yes, you keep in circulation for two reasons. 1) As you pointed out, it may be good for a good laugh. And 2) it looks like it's in good condition - it will eventually end up with someone who needs a coat, regardless of how dated it is. My husband and I served in the Peace Corps, and we often saw kids and adults wearing donated clothing from the U.S. (We knew it was the U.S. based on some of the sports team logos on the clothing.) They are greatly appreciated and well-used by those who need them!

LutherLiz said...

I'm pretty sure that now you have to take a picture of her in know, for the blog. :D

Shan said...

Mad's sitting here. She said, "What's that? That's a tent. Can we count the tents?"

amanda said...

pretty sure it needs to be retired. like asap.


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