My brother got married the beginning of this year and it was his new wife's first year to be included in the gift exchange. My parents got my sister-in-law the Magic Bullet, not to be confused with the Silver Bullet (sorry ladies, I'm not linking and if you don't have any idea what I'm talking about, goggle it for yourself). My poor fairly-new sister-in-law had no idea what was coming, as soon as I laid eyes on the packaging, I just had to go with it.
An example of some of the verbiage of the packaging of the Magic Bullet:

The Magic Bullet "is an entirely new concept in labor-saving devices. ... the Magic Bullet is so handy, so versatile and easy to use that you'll put it to work EVERY single day (probably several times a day). Best of all, it saves you time because it does almost any job..."
Both of us went into hysterics, both of our husbands rolled their eyes and both of us dove on the floor with laughter when our mother announced "I don't get it".