Tuesday, October 7, 2008

bear/cub love

Her name is Sylvia. She is very smart, very sassy and Henry fell in love with her at art camp (a mere year and a half ago). There have been others who he has called his girlfriends at different times since meeting Sylvia, but his love seems to come back to her. Over and over again.

She's been going to McDonald's on Fridays for lunch, just as we do occasionally (you know I'm joking, I'm there like clockwork on Fridays). Henry gets so excited to see her, he asked as we are driving up if she 'will be there', if they 'can play together', will she 'be eating chicken nuggets like him'?

Luckily, she arrives shortly after we've nearly finished with our meals (and apparently doesn't have the same 'no playing until you eat most of your lunch rule' like we do, as she immediately started playing with Henry and a friend that came along). They disappeared from sight into the McDonalds tunnel of love (umm, play area).

A while later, I saw it happen, other mom intervention. Sylvia's mom was talking to my son with this momma bear face defending her bear cub. Henry and Sylvia came over to my table after the discussion. "What did you do, Henry?"' I asked. Sylvia perked up "He spat on me". I couldn't believe it, my son does not behave like this (at least very, very rarely does he). Of course, it was an automatic time out. 'Turn your back to the wall, I do not want to see your face'. Sylvia spoke up again, 'that's okay, my mom already talked to him'. I told her in ear shot of her mother 'that it was my job as Henry's mom'. (See, I can be a momma bear, too).

Henry sat in his time out, he turned and peeked, looking sad that he was missing out on play time. After his time was up, I talked to him. 'Henry, you never spit on someone, ever'. He replies 'I was just talking to her, Mom. I wasn't trying to spit on her'.

That's when my heart sunk. I squeezed my boy really hard and told him that I was sorry. I realized what had happened. When Henry gets excited, he drools; he's done it since he was six weeks old and continues still at almost five years old. Poor Henry was just so excited to be talking to Sylvia that he started salivating causing him to 'talk and spit', onto poor Sylvia, the love of my little boy's life.

(Let's just hope that this problem resolves before he's sixteen, otherwise dating for him might get a little more complicated.)


Marla said...

this is a great story... poor kid

Vashey Fam said...

Oh no! That is so sad! I felt *really* bad for him! Poor guy. I thought maybe you were going to say he tried to kiss her and he accidently spit on her instead.

Anonymous said...

Awhooo. How sad. I can just see Henry's sad little face. Hopefully he doesn't become afraid to talk to girls... Sylvia sounds cool.

kristine said...

Oh - poor guy. I'm glad you realized it even if it was after the fact.

Miss Lisa said...

Poor guy! I really do no like other parents disciplining my child when they know me and I am right there but that's a whole other story ;)

Unknown said...

Oh, poor little man :(

It is one of my BIGGEST pet peeves when someone else tries to discipline Bella...I just want to tell them, "Um, hello?? I'm the mom...back AWAY from my child!"

amanda said...

oh poor henry...

"dating" isn't easy at any age is it?


Laural Out Loud said...

I have a really hard time with other people disciplining my child, even if it is just a talk. I am the mother and will handle that, thank you ver much (though I DO want the other parents to tell me about what happened). Poor little guy.

A Crafty Mom said...

It's hard when that happens, and it does occasionally and I really hate it. That's why I always like to here "their" side of the story - even when I am totally made and upset I try to be calm enough to listen to them.

My oldest is a spitter too - he spits when talking and it's really gross, I'm totally trying to see if I can get him to stop doing it . . . with no luck so far.

Kristen said...

Awwww, poor little Henry. Sorry to hear that he got in trouble for something he couldn't help.

Great reminder for me to slow down and listen. I am sometimes too quick to judge that my child has done wrong.

Hugs to you and your little cub!

Anonymous said...

that is too precious! poor kid got a time out for being in love! :P

Marketing Mama said...

oh no, my heart breaks for him. I can totally see making that same mistake though. :(

Did you end up talking to the other mom? GRRRRR.


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