Wednesday, November 19, 2008

anatomically correct

Henry climbs into the van after preschool excited to show me (yet another) drawing he has made of his dad. (He appears to be on this kick of drawing his dad. I told him that Mommy wishes that he would draw a picture of her too, which he shrugs and responds 'sorry, Mom'. I'm really feeling the love these days). He pulls the picture out of his backpack before he can even sit down in his booster seat.

"See I drew everything. I drew eyes, a nose, a smile, arms and fingers, and even tippie toes".

I take a look at the drawing, it appears to me that he has drawn an anatomically correct Daddy. So I ask, "What's this Henry?"

"That's his belly button, Mom".

Yeah, son, sure it is.

(note, objects in drawing are not to scale - thank heavens)


Anonymous said...

Fricking laughing my ass off! Oh my gosh, I don't know what is so hilarious, but this has been the greatest post I have read in days.

Mandy said...

I LOVE IT!! That is so funny!

DiPaola Momma said...

Maaaannn I only get circles and scribbles from Peter's pre-school art! LMAO... Henry, you made my day buddy.

amanda said...

love it!!

and i am sure the hubby appreciated the note from you at the bottom :)

Anonymous said...

You know, the face actually looks a little like Dan. Really. Take a look.

Unknown said...

OMG I am laughing so. damn. hard!


And my favorite part? How you told him you would love a pic of yourself drawn...and he said sorry :)

Looks like you may have an artist on your hands!

Laural Out Loud said...

Get your mind out of the gutter! I totally though belly button when I saw it, lol.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, that is too cute. I'm sure it is a belly button.

However, I love that you said it's not to scale:)

Carol said...

Hilarious!! I could totally tell it was a belly button, that was obviously my first thought!!!

A Crafty Mom said...

HA - HA!! Glad to hear the picture is "not to scale" :-)

Rebecca said...

So are you saying your husband's neck really isn't that big?

Vashey Fam said...

heeehheee! My husband would *flip* if I put that on my blog!! SO hilarious!

Aracely said...

I see no logical reason why you shouldn't give Henry his own blogger account, I would be all over that RSS!

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

I actually really believed it was a belly button! LMAO . . .

Wendi said...

I completely saw "belly button".
And a rather large head.
Thanks for the belly aching ab workout tonight...I needed it!

Wisconsin Parent said...

Oh dear! Well, at least he didn't draw man boobs, right?

Mikki Black said...

wow. That is the awesomest ever!


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