Monday, December 15, 2008

outside the box

I'm sort of losing the appeal of anticipating Henry on Christmas morning opening his presents from us and from Santa (well you know, more of us). His eyes may twinkle for a day or so, he may tell us how he loves this particular new toy, randomly hugging us in thanks, but I'm pretty certain once again it will be tossed to the side a mere two weeks later.

Henry has been known to hand out hugs of thanks weeks later for giving him the box his new slinky came in or thrilled beyond words that my husband and I will give him our coffee cuffs when we are finished with our Saturday morning java. At the moment, Henry's current new favorite toys are of course, not toys at all.

My favorite new pastime is calculating the cost of wasted money where he was more happy about the packaging that a toy came in and those non-toys that we didn't have to spend money on in the first place; that, and figuring out how exactly do I fit 25 feet total length of PVC pipe into the toy box?


Miss Lisa said...

I think a parent should just start selling this stuff--it would be the number one hit :0

Anonymous said...

What would happen if you wrap a box in a box? Would he be confused about which to love more?

amanda said...

have i told you lately that i love henry? bc i do :)

i love his love of pipes, tape and boxes...makes for one cool kid honey!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy you are back! Tell me when Henry's birthday is and I will save the boxes from Christmas and send them to you for his b-day. Then you can just wrap up the recylced stuff and save a dime! I'm always trying to be a giver. Is it working?

A Crafty Mom said...

I hear you, my kids are so into random "stuff" and not toys. Seriously, our garage is more fun to them than a toy store sometimes. Duct tape is a blast - you should stick a couple rolls in his stocking :-)

Wisconsin Parent said...

hey there...i have an inside source at sears appliances in maple grove. i'm on the list for a bunch of refrigerator or deep freezer boxes. want in on the deal?

Mandy said...

Too funny. :)

jen said...

want me to scrounge through the garage and basement and see what i can come up with?
free...i tell ya.

Aracely said...

Duh! Have Henry build a new toy box out of PVC ;)

the voice of melody said...

Too funny! I have a boy too and I can relate. :)

Mesa said...

I feel ya SITSta :) I saw you over at SITS and have to say I really do know what you mean, my son just turned 2 and we only bought him 3 toys this year with really big boxes because I just know he's going to want the boxes more then the :) Love your BLOG!! Can't wait to go read more!


Rebecca said...

Yes, if only retailers could figure out how to sell PVC pipes as toys, they would make a fortune! I am glad, however, that they have not.

Tiffany said...

PVC pipe! Why didn't I think of that? That's exactly what my 10 year old son would love. that and any other craft type thing. for years I've given my kids a big box of things like paper plates, lunch bags, foil, paper, tape of all kinds .... It's always a popular Christmas gift.

Patrice said...

Found your blog from SITS & I love it! You are too funny! I am now a follower so I can read more! :)

TuTu's Bliss said...

LOL I love your blog

DESJ and Company said...

OMG I love it!
Don't worry, my sister once bought her boys 4 large construction cones from Home Depot. That's all they wanted.
Got to you from SITS.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Isabelle loves tissue paper...would it be bad if we just wrapped a box of paper?

Kristen said...

Oh, I am so thinking there should be duct tape in his stocking!!!


That boy is a creative one, and you are going to appreciate all of his uniqueness in no time!

Sorry it has taken me so long to get by. I have totally missed my Minnesota friend! :)


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