Friday, October 14, 2011

WTF Friday (again)

I feel a little foolish, a little, well... asinine for buying RunTone shoes.

But isn't it part of the American dream to want a house, kids and a nice butt?

Can you blame me for wanting to believe that shoes are going to make my rear 28% better than my regular gym shoes would?

The worst part, I fell for it (and that I have witnesses).

I told my sister that I thought I was running faster. I asked my husband to 'feel my butt, it feels smaller, right?' (Yes, I realize this was a loaded question and there was only one correct answer if he wanted me to ever talk to him again... and of course, he wants me to nag him talk to him.)

Now Reebok is issuing refunds for those that are fools like me.


Honestly, I feel a little better knowing that I didn't buy clothing that I thought would tone my body though (because that would just be crazy).

Am I asinine for wanting a nice ass?

Apparently so.


Please feel free to assume I would like comments on my cleverness in using the word 'ass'.



L. Shanna said...

Think about it this way-- those shoes probably incentivized you to go out running. Therefore, your butt DOES look better. Mission accomplished!

Janelle Halverson said...

I am asstounded as your usage of ass!

Steph said...

I have the easy tones. At least you got the run tones, which would surely give you better results!!

to get my money back or not?!?!

amanda said...

i didn't even know those were out there? how sad am i.

but for the record i think your ass is awesome.

just sayin.

Emmy said...

Hey I am sure they didn't hurt and running will definitely make you toner- so they worked :)

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

This is such a cute post!! I agree they gave you the incentive to run more and in turn I am sure you look and feel great!!

Marie said...

I purchased the Sketcher Shape Ups, (or whatever they're called). That lasted about 2 days. You are way more motivated than I. :)

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

Nice house, good kids, and a kick ass ass. Yup. Pretty much sums up the American dream! :)

Laural Out Loud said...

I would've gotten those shoes, too, if I was in the market for ass toners, because they look NORMAL. Those other shoes look so weird! It's too bad they don't really work. Did you take them back for a refund?

darcie said...

A podiatrist I work with says NEVER EVER NEVER EVER get this type of shoe - as it causes more harm than good...
I see a lot of folks walking around wearing 'shape ups' - which means more business for this guy...
aye aye aye.
Good thing you don't need any help in the nice a$s department huh?


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