Wednesday, October 12, 2011

blind man driving

I hate molars. I don't mean that I don't like the function of them chomping chicken or munching manwhiches, but I hate them in my one year old.

I hate that her mood swings like a drunken sailor. One second she's fine, the next she screaming, throwing her body around, begging to be held, only to push me away because she doesn't want to be held.

Please pop already, because I'm about to burst.


Driving my own little personal carpool this morning, from one school to the next, a white van blew by me. It was some sort of custom blinds company, you know, the kind that sells those fancy wood blinds.

I sort of gave him a 'what in the he$$' look out of my window, that he didn't notice... or that I didn't really make tough enough.

Then I pulled up to a stoplight behind him, and saw this:
The sticker says: Caution this vehicle driven by a blind man

I love it when I can at least laugh at a bad driver.

I still hate molars though.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, the molars! But, if you are lucky, the 2 year ones will be a piece of's hoping!

Marie said...

When Murray was teething, it felt like it lasted FOREVER! Just when we thought we could finally get our sweet boy back, the molars came in. Good grief, it's like raising a demon sometimes.

It took me a minute to figure out that the sticker was a joke...I think I need a nap. :)

Emmy said...

That bumper sticker is funny. But still annoying.
Oh I hope those molars come through soon! No fun

Liz Mays said...

Molar pain broken up with funny happenings is better than solid molar pain, right?

amanda said...

the bumper sticker is funny. the molars? not so much.

praying for the pop.

Shan said...

Girl, I hear you. Most of Fynnie's problems come up in the middle of the night. I had been going to bed earlier each night, but it hasn't helped even a little bit. And she's only got six teeth... how can she get molars before she gets her third bottom tooth?!?

On the other hand, do I really want her to get more teeth in front? She does this freakishly adorable thing where she wrinkles her nose, curls her lips around those six little, spaced out teeth and breathes through her nose. Who'd want to change that just for some silly old sleep?

MommyLisa said...

funny! I hate people who drive like that when I have kids in the car.

Unknown said...

So that explains it! lol... Been ages since I had to go through the teething bit.. good luck! xxx


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