Tuesday, June 28, 2011

a flair for the dramatics

Wyatt's preschool teachers use to tell me that he 'wears his heart on his sleeve'. I admit, when I first heard that I romanced it like a Shakespearean sonnet... Wyatt's just putting himself out there, he's allowing himself to be vulnerable, he's letting the his classmates see his emotional side... that's what they mean by the wearing his heart on his sleeve bit.

But spending this last month or so with him home for the summer, that was just me being delusional.

He's bossy.

Like seriously bossy.

There is no tip-toeing around if Wyatt is mad, you will know it.

And there is an irony to us naming him Wyatt and it rhyming with quiet, because he is absolutely not.

But he has been known to wear his Spiderman costume to the gym, to keep it on while watering the plants, to stay in character even when it it nearly 100 degrees outside. If you are wondering what type of mother lets her child wear his Halloween costume in June, 'hello (waving hands high), it's me!' I'm the enabler to Wyatt's theatrical addiction.

At least being bossy taking the lead and being the loudest one in the classroom lends well to each other when your costumes are hanging at the ready.

Did I mention he's (the not good kind of) dramatic too?



KristinFilut said...

We should definitely let him and Ahna hang out for a day and see who will out boss who...

Murdock's mama said...

And just think...you have 2 more!!! :)

KLZ said...

What's wrong with Halloween costumes? Should I not be wearing mine now?

Emmy said...

Just like when Alex's preschool teacher said she is "strong willed". Gotta love it. And hey good imaginations are wonderful :)

MommyLisa said...

I was thinking the same of Boo Boo - she can be a BOSSY pants totally.

The Slacker Mom said...

Our Wyatt has two modes- Riot and Quiet. I'm sure you can guess which one we see most often!

Unknown said...

I think Wyatt and I are cut from the same bolt of cloth. Did I ever tell you I made my girlfriends dress up as super heroes for my bachelorette party? He's a kid after my own heart. We should hang out.

amanda said...

i heart you. i have told you that right? bc i do.

you know tomorrow is friday right? pretty sure we need to talk. it's been too many fridays.

Liz Mays said...

I'm thinking that somehow that personality trait is going to yield positive things in the business world though! So maybe he'll get really rich and take awesome care of you when you're an old lady. lol

Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking said...

I bet he looks so adorable in his costume!

Shan said...

Is there something wrong with wearing costumes in June? Don't tell Mad, she's still squeezing into last year's pwincess dwess. You know... black velvet bodice and long sleeves. Mad isn't bossy. At. All. We just call her The Director for giggles. Really.


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