Thursday, July 7, 2011

minivans are not party buses

In case you need reminding, minivans are not equivalent to party buses. Even if the middle row seats are taken out, it doesn't mean that everyone should climb into the middle of the van and assume that this will all be just fun and games.

No, middle seats are intended to remain in the minivan. People, especially children, should be seated, buckled and maintain a somber expression on their faces at all time.

And if for some reason, your mother chooses to take the middle row seats out of the car and pretend that, in fact, the minivan is a party bus, remind her about the time when a 10 month old baby rolled right out of the van, onto the gravel road and ended up in the ER with 3 (teeny, tiny) stitches.

Party on?

Umm... no, thank you.

PS - sorry for the little blogging break, I promise to visit soon. This was just *the start* of our little vacation.


Caitlin {Pacifier In My Pocket} said...

Oh my goodness. Poor little thing. She doesn't look like she missed a beat though.

And the picture you captured is great (as shallow as that sounds, sorry). Maybe one day it will seem funny...or at least kind of funny.

amanda said...

no no no no!! oh honey my heart dropped just reading this - i can't imagine how you felt being there!!

hoping the vaca went better from this point on....

Unknown said...

Oh, no! Poor Edie! But, you know, at least she can brag on it later - its a pretty cool story.

Mnmom said...

OUR party van door once smacked my toddler in the forehead causing a similar ER trip and skin glue. You're still light years down the road to SUPER mom!

Aryn said...

Scars are super cool! ;) Edy was a total trooper and you are a fantastic mom. XO. -A

Unknown said...

Poor sweetheart! Now that I have a minivan I need to remember this...because my girls act like ours is a straight up tumble bus sometimes!

She's so adorable--I think the stitches give her character :)


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Nice article. I really like your site. Thanks for posting.

Shan said...

Oh no!

Ahh well, it's so little that she won't even be able to tell cool stories about her scar when she's older. What a rip-off! On the other hand, you won't have to explain anything to her either... win!

PS I'm still here, too. Okay, it's 2:00 in the morning and I shouldn't be. I'll come back again soon.


Mrs. M said...

Oh no! I totally thought they were party buses! Consider me warned now!! (Glad she was okay). :)

Christina said...

Is it wrong that I just laughed at your post? I mean I'm glad your baby girl is okay, minus the stitches, but this kind of thing is something that would definitely happen at my house, or driveway...

Emmy said...

Oh no! I would have felt so awful. Stitches or not she still is cute


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