Thursday, July 28, 2011

high (flying) hopes

We make lists. We make list for birthdays, for Christmas; if they want something, my husband and I tell them to 'put it on their list'.

So Wyatt sits in the backseat and shouts something about 'when are you going to buy me a propeller hat?'

Naturally, I respond with our standard, 'put it on the list'.

But after a bit of thought, I decided I better make sure he is clear on exactly what a propeller hat is. After all, the boys have been disappointed with expectations from commercials of cars that drive on walls, night vision goggles... We try to offset the overwhelming amount of disappointment they will certainly experience in adulthood with a good dose of reality early on.

So, I casually mention to him 'you know that you can't really fly with a propeller hat.'

He scuffs from the back seat, giving me a big duh and a loud 'I know, Mom!'

I breathe a little sigh of relief,

until I hear Wyatt pipe up, "You can only fly when it's windy."


Emmy said...

Lol! That is awesome. But there are cars that drive on walls- we have two of them- the Air Hog brand :)

4luvandlife said...

This one made me laugh so hard. I love it.

Duh mom, of course it needs wind to fly. silly mommy.

amanda said...

total duh mom :)

and if i haven't told you today - i heart that kid of yours! seriously.

Unknown said...

Is it bad that my reaction would have been to encourage that belief and then video the result? Also, I think I read every post involving Wyatt aloud to Hubs - Wyatt is a legend in our house. ;-)

justme said...

That picture of Wyatt is the best! It fits so well with this post. I love your blog; it's my absolute favorite. I just wanted to give you some props for keeping up with it, because I thoroughly enjoy reading it!

MommyLisa said...

Ahh the things that pop in their brilliant little heads. ;)

Anonymous said...

maybe he will fly someday, hat or no hat. go Wyatt

Steph said...

Hey, thanks for commenting on my blog! Aryn shared a link to your blog on FB, I love the little bit I have been able to read! You probably didn't really know me ( I was a year ahead of Aryn) but you would know my sis Leanne and bro Josh. Looking forward to following you!

Unknown said...

Ha! Love it :) And love how they just *know* everything.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

seriously i was envisioning one of those colorful goofy hats with a propeller on top. shows you how much creativity i lack!


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