Monday, November 23, 2009

for future reference

Most the the time, (surprise) I don't know what I'm doing. Henry is my first child and so there are many, many instances where I just don't know what the heck a mother's to do. So here you have it: for future reference:

- 2 years old is too young to take a child to the dentist, taking them might cause an unneeded fear of dentists - thankfully, it was my husband who got the privilege of wasting his time learning this a couple years ago.

- You are suppose to brush their teeth until they are 7 or so, when they have a good pencil grip. (Our dentist had to tell me this too. We were/are still brushing his teeth, but man it gets to be one of those
grow up already things.)

-But when I see the first baby tooth loose on my first born while brushing his teeth, it makes me want to cry, like sobbing hard cries.

-When I see an adult tooth growing
behind his milk tooth, I shouldn't freak out, google it (because google has the answers to everything) and make my husband talk to the dentist before he can get his own cleaning and check up done.

-When the dentist tells my husband it will be fine to wait a month or two, I shouldn't take
matters into my own hands.

shouldn't twist Henry's tooth a little too much, until starts to bleed a lot.

shouldn't try to put Henry's tooth 'back into place', because it was 'obviously not quite ready to come out'.

shouldn't sheepishly ask my husband 'if Henry can just go to bed or do we have to get it out because he might swallow his tooth in his sleep?' and get a look of concern, like I'm an unfit mother or something.

shouldn't laugh at my husband at the suggestion of Henry biting into an apple to get the tooth out, because 'it was way too loose for that too work'.

shouldn't try wrapping a string around his tooth, tell Henry 'it's going to hurt a little and that I'm going to just give it a yank', which makes him cry and then let my husband try the 'apple thing'.

shouldn't make a little bed for his now free tooth with Kleenex for the tooth fairy and then leave the room, tooth unguarded.

shouldn't lose his first baby tooth, hidden somewhere in the depths of his carpet to maybe be discovered right before he moves out of the house for college.

Poor, one less tooth, first-born kid.


Unknown said...


I don't want my girls to lose any of their baby teeth.


Cute picture :)

Sharon said...

Oh I feel your pain. When my munchkin lost his first tooth I had a meltdown, thinking that something was wrong, that it was too early, and that it came out because I wasn't taking good care of them. I made McHubby (who was living in the UK at the time) ask HIS kids dentist about it because it was the middle of the night here... poor guy thought I was nuts.

I knew I got the award for "Useless Mom" when standing at Burger King last month, my son handed me a piece of something white and said "Here.Its part of my tooth" and I looked to find a super cavity, minus the chunk I held in my hand. Ugh!

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

My friend M who has 4 kids told me (because I had no clue how to brush two squirmy boys' teeth 2x a day after their inhalers were done)

"hand them the brush and let them play with it".

I don't brush their teeth! They do. They LOVE it! I guess because they "own" the brushing and it's not me holding the brush?

Hugs hun. The DH is home from traveling and guess what? I went from Hero to Zero since he's been home. Guess what my next blog entry will be about? Yeah! Me being the lost toy in the island of Misfit toys...

hugs and happy thanksgiving my friend...

Anti-Supermom said...

Ha-ha. I shouldn't use loose and lose in the same post, one proofread right before bed.

Sharon, hilarious. I can already imagine that happening to me.

Geezees Custom Canvas Art said... poor thing!

Emmy said...

Oh thank you. We are yet to experience this. And now I think I will be all prepared and ready. :)

We read a book about a kid losing a tooth and so now my two year old keeps trying to pull her teeth out. I think I have finally convinced her it is going to be a while still.

Ms. Diva said...

My kids stopped mentioning to me when their teeth were loose because I would whip out the kleenex and say come here!! Haha! I think I finally just got rid of about 15 baby teeth in my "jewerly" box because I have no idea which teeth belong to which kid! I know - Mom of the Year right here!!!

StepherB said...

OMG I loved this one! Every step is hillarious! Almost the same that happened to my daughter...except she was SO anxious to get toothfairy money, SHE was the one yanking and pulling before it was actually ready to come out! :) Thank goodness for Orajel!

LutherLiz said...

LOL, it all works out in the end, that's the important message here!

Jen Westpfahl said...

ok, the bleeding and pulling made me cringe. I'll try to remember to resist the urge when the time comes.

And brush for them till they're 7? ugh. DD is 5 and she does it herself, even though the dentist admonished me for it.

DS is 2 and did GREAT at his first trip to the dentist. I think he's weird though. He has sat still at haircuts since age 1. :)

mommakin said...

Oh there is nothing cuter than a kiddo with a missing tooth!

Liz Mays said...

Awwwww...that makes me sad to think of you all sad that way!

amanda said...

ok first he is the most adorable toothless kid i have seen!

second, i held my mouth the whole time reading this post. childhood memories of my own teeth. and of course then i clutched my heart and thought of memories to come. and i can't go there!

amanda said...

ps - hope your vacuum isn't so good at sucking (like mine) and you find the beloved tooth soon :)

Allison said...

Love this post...we haven't ventured to the dentist with Spencer yet...I know we need to but he barely let's me in his mouth!

I remember my grandpa pulling my teeth with actually teeth pullers once. Now that was scarier than any dentist!

AiringMyLaundry said...


My son is about ready to lose his first tooth. Wah!

Marketing Mama said...

So cute you tried the string and the apple tricks! Hope you found the tooth! I'm so not looking forward to this happening in my house... sniff sniff

kristine said...

Hope you found the tooth. :-) Man, I'll be a wreck when we start losing baby teeth around here.

hidden said...

If you were to go through my top dresser drawer you would find... I don't even know how many envelopes with one of my boy's names, a date, and possibly what number in the order lost of lost teeth. What I'll do with these I don't know, but they seem to precious to simply toss out. I can't have a them set in plastic to recreate the baby mouth because there are a few that didn't make it (lost at school or swallowed). Any ideas?

Capital Mom said...

I laughed. I cringed. My husband laughed as I read it out loud.
Great post.
I am so not ready for teeth to come out. I am, however, ready for them all to come in. :-)

Shan said...

Aww, this was sweet. Can I say, though, what you really don't want to have to do is take your kid to the maxillofacial specialist FIVE times to have teeth surgically removed because his teeth *never* came out on their own. Ugh!

Carma Sez said...

you.lost.the.tooth??? GAH!!! I don't know, the string thing used to always work in the olden days :D

mommytoalot said...

Awwww...i remember those years..the very first baby tooth.
I love the way your write..straight from the heart.
You rock!

MamaOtwins+1 said...

My boys both swallowed the first tooth they lost - and I cried. I still have the voicemail saved when one called from preschool to say he lost it - from 2 years ago.

By the way my post is dedicated to you today!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Oh, look at that little one-tooth-less grin. I love it.

And, isn't that what the first kid is for? Experimenting and learning? I'm sure that's why I ended up this way.

Heidi said...

Oh, that first tooth is really a hard one. They are so excited but it is hard to realize that your baby is growing up.
I can't believe you pulled out his first tooth though. I just let my kids' fall out on their own. I hated when my mom pulled out my teeth so I swore I'd never do it to mine.

Sorry I missed so many posts! I had a crazy week. I will go catch up on everything that you've been doing for the past week though.
I would have entered your drawing for baby stuff, but I think I'm done having babies. So I'm not sure what I would do with it. :)


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