Thursday, November 19, 2009

the land down under

I was reading a meme in a friend's blog and stumbled upon a question: have you ever been to a strip club?

My first answer: 'No.' Then I remember I actually have been to a strip club.

I thought what a hilarious post that will make, a little something about my first and only time at a strip club. Lighten up the blog a bit, people can stop reading me being all whiny about my son and his ability to throw objects directly between my eyes. I sat down to write the post, tapped on the keys, racked through my distant memories and came up with...

nothing. I can't remember a darn thing about that night. Waves of whip cream memories come in and out of focus, but honestly, I might be making that up.

See, I was a 18 year old high school cheerleader invited to cheer in Australia. Who were we cheering for? A bunch of 18 year old high school football players asked to go over and show them Aussies some American football (yes, I agree, why in the heck?). With barely enough adult chaperons to look good on paper to our parents, we and our hormones boarded a full plane to visit the land down under.

It was obviously a genius plan from the start.

So, did you know that the legal drinking age in Australia is 18? As in you can get into bars, buy alcohol and well, see strippers?

I remembered this picture, taken (or so I think) right before we walked into the bar that was also conveniently a strip club. As you can tell I was obviously a mature, level-headed teen (what were my parents thinking?). Sadly, this is one of only a few pictures I took from my trip to Australia.

I feel like I should be wearing a shirt with this picture printed on it that says: I went all the way to Australia and all I got was this stinkin' photo. Well, that and a hangover.

The land down under indeed.

Last chance for the weekend getaway giveaway.


amanda said...

ha! now i am trying to remember my strip club past...

and by that, i do not mean when i worked at a strip club. bc i didn't.

oh forget it. you know what i mean!

Liz Mays said...

OH man, my parents let me go to France in high school and you can drink there too. What a disaster! We had to do it all in the hotel because our one chaperone (our teacher) was around. She'd let us drink at dinner but one drink wasn't enough so partied in the hotel too.

Our parents were fools, huh?

Anonymous said...

So that is supposed to be giant condom right? I should say that Israel is also a good place for underage drinking (their age is 18 too) but since they conscript all 18 yr olds for the army they all have to bring their guns to the bar. Fun times!

LutherLiz said...

So that is supposed to be giant condom right? I should say that Israel is also a good place for underage drinking (their age is 18 too) but since they conscript all 18 yr olds for the army they all have to bring their guns to the bar. Fun times!

LutherLiz said...

Not sure why it posted it anonymously at first...except that maybe the internet is trying to protect me from myself.

MamaOtwins+1 said...

I went to Europe as a Sophmore in high school with about the same number of chaperones. No drinking age = we drank too much.

Emmy said...

Wow, you must have been pretty dang wasted!
And yep, a recipe for disaster. :)

Mrs. M said...

Haha....some memories are just best "blocked". :)

Evonne said...


I went to France in high school and we visited a club (or 2). Looking back, I think the few chaperones we had just wanted a vacation and used us as an excuse. I'm not complaining!!

Btw, that's the one and only time I sang karaoke!

Heidi said...

Ok Beth, was that really the sign for the strip club? Because I have to tell you from the screen that I'm viewing it on it looks like a giant ... um condom.
Or is it a giant twinkie, I guess that could be considered the same thing though. Just kidding!
Your parents really let you go way Down Under without supervision! Man I wish I had your parents. I was lucky not to get skinned coming home intoxicated where I live let alone in another city!

I have admit that I have never been to a strip club, but one day when I was about 19 I was walking around a snowmobile expo with amy current boyfriend and some guy hit both of us up for becoming strippers.
It has served as a great laugh over the years, Me a stripper! with my size AA bust line! See I'm laughing again already!

tori said...

I went to Germany in HS. Don't remember much of the trip except for all the weird places kids vomitted because they drank too much. Yeah...don't think I'll ever allow my kids to go on a "school trip" like that.

Unknown said...

Hehe! I love it!

And that picture, omg! Lol!

I admit I've been to a strip club or two. Haha! I'm pretty much relieved that those days are behind me :)

Ladybird said...

This is a GREAT question and yes I have. The things us women do :) Ladybird

Elly said...

I went to a strip club in Fargo ND on my 21st birthday with the 5 math-guru guys from my religion class in college. After drinking a free 72 ounce Hurricane on a nearly empty stomach at the local pub. Let's just say it was a really really really bad idea. I've never been to another one. HA!

kristine said...

I was thinking you were going to have some wild and crazy story.. LOL. How funny.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Mine is a very similar story...18 but in Canada.

But, you'll love this. My aunts took me!

OHmommy said...

LOL. My 1st response would also be "NO way, i've never been" and than I just remembered that I did go once and I also can not remember too much. It was all just EW. HAHAHAHA

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

I was in New Orleans w/BFF Chris (you know her as the prof fotog of the boys on my blog)...

We were on Bourbon right after the Hurricane and there were a whole lotta drunken Marines...

We ducked into a gay bar/strip club.

It was hysterical and they were totally naked under the "loin cloths" and we had a blast.

If you want to escape drunken soldiers in uniform (both of us being married and all) that's the finest place on the planet to be...

Shan said...

I've never been... I did get a, "Oh, I wish you could have come with us... we all went to this great strip club in Malibu! Next time, for sure!"

Yeah, that guy just didn't seem to work out, haha.

Rebecca said...

Wow. You traveled to Australia to be a cheerleader for a high school team that traveled there to show the Aussies American football?! What high school did you go to, and can I repeat high school there?

You know, I don't think I've ever been to a strip club, and that surprises me. Now I feel like I need to go.

mommytoalot said...

All the way to Australia for a strip club. Way to go!!
LOL..good story..
I've been to a few in my younger not so innocent years.

Wisconsin Parent said...

Hey, well if you ever come visit us in Wisconsin, we have LOTS of choices. Can we bring our own curds? :) You've been to Australia - cool!

darcie said...

I'm not sure if this is something I should admit or not - but I've been to several strips clubs...What the?
It didn't seem like such a big deal at the time - 'everyone was doing it' ~
the funniest story about me visiting a strip club was just a few years ago...WITH my hubs - to some all nude joint here in the metro - what a story THAT is...

Allison said...

My first and only time in a strip club was my freshman year in college. A girl on our floor was getting married (she was 19) and everyone took her to a local dive for her bachelorette party. It was so icky, girls on one side, guys on the other. These guys were really old and skanky looking.

Funny though, one old guy was sitting at the bar. You could see both sides from there the way it was set up. He recognized one of the guy dancers as his daughter's gymnastics teacher. Can you say awkward!


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