Thursday, November 12, 2009

when I was your age

'Son, when I was your age, I had to rub my hands together with liquid soap. I didn't have this newfangled, fancy dispenser that make foaming bubbles for you. That's right, I had to rub my own two hands together to make enough friction to make enough bubbles to get my hands clean. '

No wonder why my kids won't pick up their toys, they're too lazy to even wash their hands.

Of course, I'm the one that bought it.


Mandy said...

he he he :)

Liz Mays said...

lol, if you didn't add that last line in there, I was going to do it for you!

Beth P. said...

Haha, funny. And true.

amanda said...

it's amazing the products that people come up with that we buy hook line and sinker!

totally guilty.

Unknown said...

I love me some foam soap, lol! It's my fave.

Remember the bar soap? (I say that like it was centuries ago...)

Shan said...

Thanks for the laughs!

kristine said...


Mrs. M said...

Too true. Too funny! ;-)

Allison said...

So funny!

These little whippersnappers have it so easy!

Emmy said...

Lol! Awesome. Yes, I would always seem to get little pieces of the soap bar under my fingernails... kids don't know how easy they have it.

Unknown said...

I admit I love the foaming soap, too! But this is pretty amusing!

Capital Mom said...

LOL. I hate the hand washing battle. I think I need some of that foaming soap.

LutherLiz said...

I suppose you had to walk 20 miles in the snow, barefoot, up hill both ways, just for the right to wash your hands too. :)

AiringMyLaundry said...

Very true!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

HAHA. I was going to ask who bought the soap, too. But you cleared it up for me!

Wonder what nifty things will be out when our kids are having kids?

Wisconsin Parent said...

This is true. My kids will actually use the soap, but not "foam" anything and then use ME as a paper towel. How's that for ya! I hope they all get cooties as punishment.

Heidi said...

Great picture! And I have to agree with you. Pre-bubbled soap has definitely added to the laziness in this generation.
Why can't someone invent an automatic picker-uper. That's what I need to complete my life.

PS, you kind of sound like my grandma when she starts on her whole "When I was your age, I had to walk to school everyday, and it was uphill both ways!"
Just Kidding! You know I love you right!

Carma Sez said...

You raise a great point. Soon they will be getting pre-chewed food to make eating easier ;-)

CC said...

Bwhahaha! These kids sure are lazy! In spite of reminders 1000x per day, most of my students still don't wash them and have to be re-directed back into the bathroom to wash them "for reals".

Kim said...

Hilarious. I've never thought of it this way!

Anonymous said...

You realize foamy soap is mostly water, and just a special nozzle that suds it up upon dispensing? So, they've found a way to charge you more for less. Or, rather, to charge you the same amount for giving you less product/ingredients on their part. It's pretty ridiculous if you think about it. And, making the soap sudsy isn't what kills germs, it's how long the soap is in contact with your skin. That's why doctors lather up for a good minute or two before washing off. Pre-foamed soap gives people the impression they can skip 10 seconds of washing since they don't have to bother lathering up. So, if you think about it again, pre-foamed soap is actually quite self-defeating if it comes to washing your hands properly to kill germs. Don't mean to be a Debbie Downer, but I'm just sayin...


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