Monday, November 9, 2009

if pencils were pennies

If I had a penny for every pencil we've gotten since Henry's school has started, I'd be rich or at least, $2 or more closer to financing my children's higher education.

People, please stop giving away pencils to my child for: birthday school gifts, birthday favors, Halloween treats, general pirate themed things, dental visits, fire department open houses, city-wide events... Unless you hand out pencils with architectural plans to make our future million dollar home made solely from the pencils we get handed over the next 13 years, we my son will respectfully hopefully decline your pencil parting favor.

I cannot handle getting another pencil that my child will become semi-attached to because it was given to him from 'so-and-so'. I'm about to sharpen each one of them to a 1" lead (well, pencils aren't really made out of lead anymore and I wouldn't really want a potential lead poisoning, can you get graphite poisoning? I digress...) point and stab my eyes out with them.

I thank you. My already very crowded junk drawer thanks you.


Evonne said...

I can totally relate to this!

We have so many pencils I don't know what to do with them. And half of them break as soon as you sharpen them!

I don't even want to think about how many pencils we'll have next year with 2 kids in school. Ahhh!!!

Liz Mays said...

You just wait, they'll go through those pencils like water when they get older. I'd be clamoring for more if I were you! ;)

Mrs. M said...

But they have such cool designs, mom! :-)

Bombshell BLISS said...

And with twins you get twice as many. LOL Still, blueviolet is right. They go through them like crazy in middle school. Too funny.

Emmy said...

Lol! Looks like you have some really cute ones though :)

Bethany said...

people started giving my daughter pencils when she was like three. Why does a three year old need a bunch of pencils?

Eve said...

Do kids still use pencils? Does anyone do anything other than type these days?

My husband has a bag full of pencils and pens that he's gotten over the years. He just had so many that he didn't know what to do with, but can't stand to throw something "useful" away. Most of them have moved from house to house with us for over 11 years (and I don't even want to guess how long he had them before that)!

It's good that you are getting involved and stopping the madness - for your son's sake - before it get's out of hand! ;)

Unknown said...

Lol! The things I learn from reading blogs...

I can relate in the total crap that gets sent home from birthday parties, though. Ugh. And those are the things she loves the most! Why??

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I wish people gave me students go through them like they are going out of style. They disappear like candy!

Loukia said...

Haha... too funny!

LutherLiz said...

oooo...I love a fresh, brand new pencil. I'll happily take them off you hands. (I'll stealthfully use them for work so mt hubby doesn't think you're supporting the

Jennifer said...

But... but... but I GOT THIS FROM MISS KELLY for winnin' da spellin' bee!

Sincerely Iowa said...

I used to always think I would use all those darn pencils that we keep accumulating, but my girls are getting snobby. Mechanical pencils all the way for them now.

Maybe they could be used for fireplace kindling?

Heidi said...

Pencils are cheaper than candy, and they don't make kids fat, so there aren't potential law suits involved. Just expect to get a new set every couple of months. You can brake them up and use them as kindling during the cold winter months. Or when you go camping next summer.
The only problem at our house is that we have all those pencils and no pencil sharpner. Yeah, homework time is fun.
GREAT picture of the pencils though!

Heather of the EO said...

This totally cracked me up. My oldest gets REALLY attached to these pencils and then drives me crazy asking where to find them!

thatgirlblogs said...

donate them to the graphite impaired.

Unknown said...

You could have a giveaway of all the pencils, lol!

I agree with the other person who said pencils aren't candy and won't make your kids fat. I admit to handing out a fair amount of pencils, erasers, mini cans of play-doh and bouncy balls to the little ones this Halloween. Do you hate me now?

amanda said...

i just cleaned out the pencil/pen drawer. i picked out all my hubby's work ones, wrapped them up and sent them back to his work.

A Crafty Mom said...

I have a drawer full of them too, yet somehow when it comes time for the boys to work on their homework, no one in our home can manage to get their hands on a sharpened pencil!!!!

Shan said...

This was funny... and reminded me of the Rubbermaid shoebox that I started collecting them in. Eventually I just included the whole box in a Goodwill donation. Next time, I'll send them to the local United Way, because they give out school supplies to kids in need. When that happens, I *might* feel guilty because they may only get a box of unsharpened pencils with erasers that might break from being so old... maybe I'll throw in a few reams of the lined notebook paper I buy every freaking year paper, too.

Rach (Mommy Learns to Blog) said...

LMAO - we get them for EVERYTHING! I never give them out because I can't stand them!!!

Qtpies7 said...

You can give them to me! With 7 kids I can't find a pencil or pen to take a phone message. Even crayons and markers are elusive most of the time. I have had to resort to lipstick and eyeliner messages.
I cannot get enough pencils.

It was great meeting you yesterday at Creative Kidstuff!

darcie said...

my kids are barely four and almost three and we too have a plethera of pencils...and guess what I gave out along with candy this year for Halloween?
Yep...hundreds of those god forsaken pencils. We don't even have a pencil sharpener in our house - what am I supposed to do with them all?
give them to your kids I suppose! ;)

oroko said...

I noticed that most of your writers have several pens and pencils and do not know what to do with them. I am the president of a non-profit Organization called Angels for Oroko Children, Inc. It provides school supplies and tuition for children in schools in Cameroon in West Africa. We will be happy to take all the school supplies you do not need and send them to school children in Africa. All donations are tax deductible. Please check our websites … or

Thank you for your assistance




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