Wednesday, November 11, 2009

WTF Wednesday

I love getting little reminders that I better get my children adorned in their matching Santa hats and near what may or may not be a Christmas tree ASAP. Even more, I love little reminders that make me laugh, thank you Snapfish for your 2009 Holiday catalog.

a page from this year's catalog

a closer look

What's that - "finesse later", are you sure you didn't mean 'finish later'?

Maybe... I suppose it could work.

But remember when I was laughing with my husband about this ad a couple month's ago

a closer look

You didn't even finish the sentence. "Choose your favorite design, add a favorite photo, and you're."

No wonder why you have me check that little square box like three times to confirm that you do not spell correct, edit or proofread my holiday card order. Obviously someone at Snapfish has problems with finishing or finessing or.


Anti-Supermom said...

I know that I make more than my fair share of spelling/grammar/editing mistakes, but I don't get paid for it...

and these guys do.

Plus, it's just funny to me.

LutherLiz said...

Yikes. Does no one proofread anymore? LOL

Beth P. said...

Haha! My word how do their editors still have jobs? That's hilarious, especially the unfinished sentence. Its like mad libs, you can just "finesse" it with whatever word you choose!

Lee said...

Now that is just plain sad!

Anonymous said...

So glad the Pioneer Press turned me onto your blog -- hilarious.

I'm going to try to finish this post without ending halfway through a sentence. Thanks for the laugh!

Emmy said...

Wow! That is pretty bad.. espeically just ending in the middle of a sentence like that.

Allison said...

I think it's hilarious finding these kinds of mistakes. I always imagine how many people probably read it before it went to print and no one caught it! That's really bad just ending the sentence like that!

Jenn said...

LMAO! Ahhh...I need that today.

Heidi said...

I seriously don't know what I'd do if I didn't have spell check. But I, like you, find it absolutely hilarious when someone who is supposed to do this for a living screws up. And being from a very small town our newpaper gives us plenty to chuckle at on a weekly basis.

Oh, and if I came to your house you could always serve cinnamon rolls! ;)

Jennifer said...

I almost don't want to write what I'm about to write for fear somehow, somewhere, someway the person I'm mentioning might come across your blog, and more particularly, this post and THIS very comment, but I can't resist....

I once worked at a YMCA right around 2001 when the economy first started to dip. We started a new program that we called the Unemployment Initiative to give those recently laid off a reprieve on their membership costs. We decided to launch the program via a brochure that enclosed a membership application. They were very nicely done, but alas a bit pricey for a YMCA that operated on a shoe string budget. The girl who worked in our design dept did a great job making sure the pictures were just right, the font just so etc. Only problem was that when all 12,000 brochures got delivered from our printer, in bright red, 36 inch font across the top of the front page they all said Unemploymnet Initiative Membership Application. In case you missed it that's "unemployMNet"

I felt terrible for her, but in her defense sometimes graphic designers get so caught up in all the other details they fail to catch the obvious, glaring errors.

Word to the wise: A second set of eyes always helps.

Carma Sez said...

I always like to do things with finesse. I may need to place an order ;-)

becca said...

Love it. I love finding spelling mistakes on things that so should have been proof-read. It makes me feel better about all the stupid mistakes I know I make, but you're right, I don't get paid for it. I used to be in brand marketing for revlon and I used to have to proofread every word on every package for every piece of makeup and it was amazing how many ALMOST huge typos used to happen that would have meant a lipstick on the shelf with a label "lipdick" instead of "lipstick"... or something like that.

Love your blog... I'll be back!

AiringMyLaundry said...


I'm amused.

RuensOnTheRun said...

That is funny!

Mrs. M said...

Haha! They need a new editor!

MamaOtwins+1 said...

I love that someone gets paid to proof those things, plus they got past about 10 desks before approved to be sent and no one caught it!

Unknown said...

Haha!! Hilarious--and I wonder how this person still has a job??

Bombshell BLISS said...

Oh that is hysterical. My thought is, yes I make mistakes, but if they are published...they are fair game. Too funny!

Live.Love.Eat said...

Yah, I have a thing about grammar. It's terrible when you see it in professional settings.

Thank you for your visit on my SITS day back on 10/29. I am STILL playing catch up!

amanda said...

that's hilarious!

and for the record - last year it took snapfish two orders just to get my pictures straight. ugh

Morris said...

Ha, great stuff.

Reminds of Engrish (

Now the Japanese really know how to butcher the English!

Eve said...

What... YOU don't want to save your finesse for later? ;)

Haha... good catch!

Aryn said...

I DO love finding a good typo.

So satisfying...
Just not in my own magazine.

Betty Bohemian said...

wow! I see a new career in my future. Proof Reader!!! I'll get paid for doing.. well.. noting? That ROCKS and i'd get to.

Liz Mays said...

Oh my gosh, in a business like that you'd think they'd have layers upon layers of proofreading!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Dude...if you let me do your cards, I promise no mistakes!!

Wisconsin Parent said...

ha ha ha. this makes me feel really good! (okay, it is a sick fantasy of mine, being a tech writer). seriously, at least someone actually read it. like ANYONE reads a manual. :-)


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