Tuesday, June 2, 2009

orange you glad

Yesterday started my first, official day of summer, meaning I'm home with all four children, all day long.

I attempted to start off on the right foot making pancakes, not the kind that I usually 'make' by cooking them in the microwave, but the real homemade kind where you have to add water, plus I got fancy and added raisins.

Wyatt climbed down from his chair, walked over to the refrigerator and pulled on the handle to no avail. He then screamed at the door and yelled at me that he wanted juice. I told him just be patient, I opened the door and Wyatt pushed his way past me and then managed to dump an entire, nearly full glass of Powerade all over.

I turned to Henry and yelled, since I couldn't possibly blame Wyatt since he's 2 and could really care less what I say to him, 'Why didn't you finish your drink? It spilled all over the refrigerator."

He asks "Is it all gone?"

I replied, "Yes, it's all over the refrigerator; the lettuce, the eggs, it's a huge mess."

He starts to cry "I wanted to drink that"... sobs... "When will you get me more?"

That's when I turned all five-year-old on him, I replied "Never. I will never waste money on Powerade, because you obviously didn't like it. You just wasted money, you literally poured it (from my paper towels) down the drain."

Between Henry's sobs "Never?"


Daddy was there to break up the 'fight', telling Henry that he will get him some more if he really wanted some more another day.

Some days, it's so liberating to act like a five-year-old.

Later on during lunch, I taught them how to stick oranges in their mouths to look like teeth. It reminds me of when I was in the elementary school cafeteria making my own orange peel teeth, acting like the five-year-old that I was closer in age to then than I am now.

But whatever, I'm 30 something and it's still liberating to be five-years-old sometimes.

Orange you glad summer is only 3 months long?

I am.


Unknown said...

Sometimes we have to act their age just to get through the day :)

And I remember the orange peel in the mouth :) Memories, memories...

Mandy said...

:) Sounds very familiar!

Aryn said...


Sorry. I don't have kids yet...

Okay. Back to work.

amanda said...

oh to be five again.

love the orange faces - brings back fond memories :)

if only we lived closer...

Marla said...

i think i've had this same discussion...

shelley said...

ooo i remember those days soooo well, but enjoy them because they will be over in a heartbeat and you will be standing at their college dorm, saying where did all the darn time go? stopping by from roll call this am! stop by and say "hi" anytime!

Lesley said...

you are so right...it is liberating...never thought of it that way....and thanks so much for coming by on my feature day on thurs...I'm so happy you did

Loukia said...

Loved reading this post because that kitchen scene sounds very much like something that happens in my house... seriously, this is why I hardly ever cook because man, it's tough when my boys are around causing little disasters! And it is fun to act like a 5 year old, isn't it?

Capital Mom said...

I'd be interested to know how the rest of the day went. :-)
Four kids. Man, you rock.

AiringMyLaundry said...

Four kids???

I only have two and I'm scared on what I'll do over the summer..

I've acted like a five-year-old before. It's fun confusing my kids.

jmt said...

Aaahhh, how could you tell him never? LOL He looks so cute. I only wish I could be at home for three months with my kids....well...let me re-think this.
I'm stopping over from SITS roll call. Happy Thursday!

Maytina said...

Fridge spills are the worst, I'm totally with you on that front. Also, orange peel teeth are still so much fun!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Sounds like it's going pretty well to me!


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