Thursday, June 25, 2009

last one standing sitting

Wyatt, my freshly turned two-year-old toddler, has decided that he likes peeing standing up, which means for me; letting him stand on my feet, contorting his body in some Cirque du Soleil movement and me pointing his 'peep' into the general direction of the toilet water. All this in the name of progress, I guess...

This leaves me as the last remaining sitting-down-to-pee person in the household. Lucky me. Even though I might have been slightly disgusted that Wyatt's hands are resting on the toilet rim to keep his butt from swimming in the toilet water, it's even worse that it's me sitting in pee dribbles multiple times a day.

So, did you know that they make something to let women pee standing up?

With my luck, wedging a silicone funnel between my legs, straddling the toilet would end up a complete peeing-my-pants disaster, but I might be willing to take the chance if I sit on one more wet rim.

Oh the joys of an all boy house.


Marketing Mama said...

LOL I've seen those contraptions before and if someone gave me one in my christmas stocking I'd probably try it out -- camping!

My 3 y.o. boy is taught that we always sit at home, but when we are in public - stores, restaurants, hotels - you can stand. Wonder how much longer I can get away with that.-

Mandy said...

LOL...I am the remaining sit-down-pee-er at my house as well. :)

Unknown said...

Haha! I was wondering what that was...

Miss Lisa said...

Oh my--I have never even heard of that. You are officially QUEEN--only one dignified enough to pee sitting down ;)

Kristen said...

Um, yeah, no thanks!!

I think I would rather wipe toliets!!

Keep fingers crossed for someday a girl?? Maybe???

amanda said...

i know for a fact i would totally lose my balance and fall in face first trying to use that thing!

maybe hubby can get you your own private dribble free bathroom? you know with a girls only sign on the door?

Scary Mommy said...

Isn't that girl-standing-to-pee thing so weird? I wonder how the company is doing-- I can't imagine all that many people want to do that!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

I don't think I could stand and pee, either. Just not for me. I'd rather squat or keep lysol wipes under the sink.

But, if I had a boy, I would try to convince him that sitting is the way to go.

Rebecca said...

Why? Why would a woman want to pee standing up? Oh yeah - for those times when we pee outside.

Bel could use one of those contraptions. We seem to have those times when she has to go pee while we are at the park. Why there is no bathroom at our parks, I don't know. Anyway, she has a hard time peeing outside, and I think one of those thingies would help.

Carol said...

I think ladies that live with just boys should be entitled to a sacred toilet of there very own.

It's only fair.

Babybear Scraps said...

That picture is hilarious.

Believe it or not, everyone in my house sits to pee at home, even my husband. Think he'll be mortified that I just put that out there for the world to read? Muahaha.


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