Thursday, June 4, 2009

pool etiquette

Dear Seasonal Pool Pass Subscribers,

Tomorrow the pool opens. Let's all be friends and follow some simple pool etiquette.

1)Please don't pee in the pool. You know that I don't know, but you know and do you want to swim around in your pee? I don't want to swim around in your pee either.

2)Speaking of pee, they're your kids, not mine, just because she/he is wearing a life preserver doesn't mean that you should start texting your BFF over at the lounge chairs.

3)I know that we both paid the $45 per person price tag to enjoy the public pool for three months, but it's public, cover your business. I don't need to see half of your boobs, half your a$$ or for the males out there, anything resembling a racing Speedo.

4)Just because I'm in the water, doesn't mean that I want to get soaked. Jump in the other 50% of the pool that appears to be empty and not 6" from me and my non-swimming children.

5)Don't look at me in my suit and then rate how I look in the swimming suit according to the number of children I have/ages of children with me. If you don't, neither will I, promise.

If we can follow these, I think we will all get along swimmingly.


Visit Janah for more fun Dear So-And-So letters.


Briya said...

WHY is it that everyone wants to cannonball right in front of you..even if you are the ONLY person at the shallow end of the pool? Is it because it's only fun if you piss somebody off in the process??

Helene said...

Is there a way we can print this out on paper and actually post this at all the community pools??!!

Seriously, that was awesome!! Our neighborhood pool just opened for the season and they booted us b/c my 2-yr old twins were wearing swim diapers. I asked the guy who apparently runs the place about all the other young kids who are in the pool and probably peeing in it...he just shrugged his shoulders.

Oh and don't you just HATE those moms who sit there on the lounge chairs chatting on their cell phones while their kids are doing belly flops into the pool, soaking everyone within a 1-mile radius.

LutherLiz said...

LOL! Love it and I hope they follow every word!

Marla said...

swing by kinkos and get a sign made on your way for opening day... love this!

Savvy-Motherhood said...

LOL I know a few of those that put the "p" in pool.

awesome words of wisdom.

Miss Lisa said...

I think these need to be posted NATIONWIDE!
Enjoy the pool this summer :)

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Amen! However, I'm really glad it is typically just a few of us at the pool..but I remember these days well.

Capital Mom said...

You mean I can't wear my bikini to the wading pool? But I look so good in it. And it is so comfortable when I sit in the lounge chair. :-)

AiringMyLaundry said...

Fantastic rules.

This is why public pools make me nervous though. I'm always paranoid about pee in the water and half naked women/men walking around. One time at the beach my son asked why a guy who was in a Speedo was walking around in his underwear.

Anonymous said...

We have taken Avery to the swimming pool at our apartment complex a couple of times and there are always teenagers who splash around her and it's like DUDE WTF!! I have no problem yelling at them and I probably should just drown them because I doubt anyone would miss them! :-)

amanda said...

can i just say amen?

and number five is the best!! please random pool people - don't even try to figure it out!

Anonymous said...

Awwww...I know I'm late. But I'm so glad that you played along! Leave it to my best-ies to come up with some funny ones. BTW, I totally would have your back if someone tried to cannonball us and we were totally not ready for it. I may even cannonball them back. Only, I would make sure they were under me first! Ever heard of those "pee tablets" that everyone talks about? Well I found out they are fake. Which sucks. Because I would totally bring them along and drop them in just to see who was doing it!

Kristen said...

Thank you for the rules!! Could you please post these where we swim. It has gotten out of control!


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