Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Santa can't bring snow

They both chime in a whine from the backseat "but it's not fair!"

"We are suppose to have snow, it's so not fair. It's my third favorite thing about Christmas" Henry punctuated from the back seat.

I'm mentally doing a little dance, thank you, God, we don't have snow. We've had snow 8 months out of the last year, we deserve a no snow month!)

"Last night," Henry continues, "I even prayed to God for snow."

(insert the audible sigh here from me.)

"I should have asked Santa for snow too," he finishes.

I scoff from behind the wheel, not loud enough for him to hear though. The visit from Santa went something like this...


9:30am, because we aren't standing in any line for a visit to Santa, we only stand in line for important things like free cappuccinos to the first fifty people.

We waited at the curtained gate to reveal what type of Santa we are going to get. (Yes, it's strange, but this is the way Macy's does it.) We always prepare the kids... either it's the real Santa (aka decent looking, smells good) or it's one of Santa's helpers (aka, fake beard is falling off, eyebrows are made-up with white cake makeup).

Lucky for us, he looked like the real deal, and the boys acted pretty much stunned.

So much so like two deer in headlights that I had to tell this Santa what they each wanted (not that Santa asked; he was more like let's go, get the picture, get you guys out).

Then Santa proceeded to stick his fingers into Wyatt's dimples and told him to 'keep smiling' in this creepy way. Instead of knocking his fingers off my boy's face, we packed up. We got a picture without Edy actually crying. Yippee for us.

One more time before passing through the curtains, weird Santa said again to Wyatt "keep on smiling, come on, keep on smiling... there you go!"


So back in the car, I waited from him to say it... without fail, Henry says "Can we visit Santa again? I need to ask him for snow too."

Umm, no. We will not be revisiting creepy, keep smiling, Santa.

I respond "Santa can't bring snow in his bag, Sweetie, sorry. You better just stick with the microscope."

Apparently, our Santa only brings the heebie jeebies.


L. Shanna said...

Creepy or not, if it's Santa that's responsible for our lack of snow this winter, I LOVE HIM.

amanda said...

who hires these creepy santas? seriously?

santa isn't bringing snow here either...but that's only bc you can't drive around your new barbie jeep in snow!

hope it's the best one yet friend!

Galit Breen said...

Hee! Love the story, and (secretly) love the no snow! :)

Shan said...

I don't even have a comment. I'm just over here giggling and creeped out all at the same time.

Marie said...

I'm darn glad that Santa can't bring snow, however, he sounds like one weird Santa. I would think Macy's could do a bit better when hiring their Santa.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Ewww...that is quite creepy. Santa should only be able to ask what you want and that's it!

No snow here..Iz keeps asking for it and saying "it snows in the winter, today is the first day of winter, why is it raining?"

I'm glad for no snow...but I certainly could do without this icky-drizzly rain.

Jenni said...

Is it horrible if we don't even go and see Santa this year??

Emmy said...

Well at least he didn't look creepy to go along with his personality right? :)

Our Santa looked real and was awesome! Almost made me wish I paid the $22 to get a picture... well maybe not.

AiringMyLaundry said...


We didn't get snow. It's like 50 degrees out.

Merry Christmas!

renegademothering said...

Okay so I've heard about people like you, you know, people who live in places where it snows. I admire you, though you scare me. How do you do it? I get annoyed when it's drizzling, at that doesn't require, um, whatever it is that snow requires. Tractors? Chains?

In other news it was 63 degrees and sunny when we got our Christmas tree this year, which admittedly felt a little off, even for me, a native Californian.

I can imagine, though, how snuggly and warm it must be to have Christmas in the snow. Imagine being the key word there. I'm way too lazy for that kinda thing.

I've never taken my kids to see Santa and your story eased my guilt. I don't do it because of creepy fear but rather that lazy thing again. keeps comin up in all sorts of new areas.

Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

I haven't taken my son ever to a Santa. They are all creepy, aren't they? Shudder...

MommyLisa said...

I found an old picture of me with Santa from the early 70's. I am leaning away from him and he has me "in his claws" as it were. CREEPY.


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