Thursday, January 5, 2012

tooth math

This is Henry's tooth bed.

Stop judging me.

I actually thought I was pretty smart with the 'let's make a bed for your tooth instead of putting it under your pillow' thing. Yes, I know that they make cute little things called tooth pillows, with cute, tiny little pockets for your dear loved one's tooth to go into, but the first tooth falling out kind of caught me by surprise. So, I wasn't prepared. Plus, I kind of like not having to go hunting for a tooth hidden under a pillow while someone is sleeping. Plus, you know... I'm cheap.

Me + tooth bed = genius)

So, the tooth was placed in it's special bed last night awaiting the fairy's arrival.

This is the fairy's 7th visit.

The first visit was complete failure, involving me running into his room and throwing a dollar under his bed saying something about 'Are you sure you didn't see it? It must have fallen'.

And the last time the tooth fairy visited, I didn't have cash. I never have cash, I wish that the tooth fairy was suppose to leave something that I always have on hand, like string cheese. Yes, I'd be completely happy leaving a string cheese in place of the tooth.

That, or being able to tell Henry I'll put his tooth fairy payment on my Visa.

Sigh... a girl can dream.

So, I rummaged through the coins in my wallet (and in the coin thingy in the van) and managed to come up with 4 quarters. I quietly tip toed into his room and dropped the coins into his tooth bed.


I was smiling about this as I was get ready that morning. Only then I hear my husband pulling back into the garage from his leaving for work 5 minutes early.

'Forget something?' I whispered.

'Tooth fairy' he whispers back to me.

'I already did it!' I responded.

'How much?' he asks.

'A dollar.'

He silently scoffs at my 'dollar' and climbs up the stairs to Henry's room. He placed the money on the night stand and started to walk away, only Henry is awake and says 'the tooth fairy only gave me coins!'


My husband says something about there being more money he didn't see.

A five dollar bill!

Apparently, our going rate for a tooth is 5 buck and 4 quarters.

Let's do the math on that:

6 bucks x 20 teeth x 3 kids = financial ruin

or another equation to look at...

(Husband + scoffing at my $1 a tooth = not so genius)


So, what's the going rate for a tooth at your house?


Marie said...

This is hilarious!

In my house, when we reach the tooth-losing stage, that is, my husband will be the one who slips a penny under the pillow and I'll have to supplement with a dollar. Already, we rob his wallet to "pay" his allowance. We're cheap, too.

Emmy said...

Yes my husband is the same!! I was going to do $1 but no, he said we had to do $5! His first four teeth he had to have pulled- $20 right there!

saucersrus said...

Our tooth fairy leaves a special one dollar coin which they then give to Daddy for safe keeping!! They also found their teeth in my jewelry box. I was quick to come up with a deal I made with the tooth fairy to get the teeth back for my scrapbooking addiction so I could have them in their baby books!!

Unknown said...


Your first experience had my dying of laughter--but I must say this last one did, too :)

And what is the going rate for a tooth these days? So going to Google this...


darcie said...

We have yet to lose a tooth - I can't help but feel left out - we're the only ones I swear! And we're 6 and a quarter years old over here! It's ok though - gives me more time to save up!

amanda said...

i just read this out loud to the hubs. and he laughed. and i laughed. and i said. man i love beth.

and i do :)

Liz Mays said...

I've had to do the "it must have fallen" thing too! We paid out $1 a tooth, but that was kinda fair for the time they were losing them. I know my nieces and nephews are getting $5-10 each now!

Steph said...

OMG! Totally didn't know how lucrative loosing teeth was! Growing up we only got .25 per tooth. Maybe my parents were cheap! Didn't realize kids were factored into inflation, my kids will be lucky if they even get a dollar when they loose their teeth. I say that now, we'll see!

Galit Breen said...

Hee! I love that this boiled down to a genius/ non-genius example!

We do a silver dollar first tooth and a regular old dollar for the rest.

{Love the tooth bed! It really is genius. :) }

An Imperfect Momma said...

Ha! When I was growing up it was a quarter per tooth. But I guess w inflation & crap...$1 makers sense. Dang. $5 is waay too much

Shan said...

I don't know! The tooth fairy used to bring Corey Sacajawea dollars, one per tooth. No clue what will happen with the girls.

PS I think it's genius, too.

Unknown said...

LOVE the tooth bed idea, I'll have to share that with friends. (My kids are too old to be losing teeth although I am well on my way to dentures.)
I once forgot to play tooth friend at work called my son later that day for me, pretending of course so be a sick tooth fairy who promised to stop by that night with "lots & lots" of money. She is now pregnant with her first kid - payback is a comin!

Stew said...

A tooth bed? Seriously? Until I get my extraction done with my dentist sevierville tn, then I can probably start on pondering that idea. But for now, I think it's pretty ridiculous in a funny way. ;)

Unknown said...

I guess that tooth bed will be perfect for those who have dentures. I wonder if any dentists mt pleasant would be selling such. Where did you get that anyway?


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