Wednesday, January 25, 2012

life cycle

This is my microwave, kicked to the curb, though not really a curb (and technically, not really kicked), but thrown into the screened in porch in a fit of anger, where I pray that it get frozen over and covered with at least 12" of snow very shortly. "Take that!"

You might be asking (or not care, but will scroll through anyways), but why?

Because the damn thing died on me after, maybe, 3 years... and that pisses me off for several reasons. Let me list them for you in numerical order, it will be fun:

1) I swear, my parents had their first microwave for like 20 years. It was bigger than my toddler, a dark, ugly, brown color, and it made a strange humming noise, but it lasted forever. Math people, 20 years is way more than 3. Heck, I'm not even sure it died on them or that my parents just got tired of looking at it.

2) There are only a few things that I need for my daily survival, Diet Coke and my microwave are two of them. Being that it quit working in the morning, I had to cancel all plans for that evening to go out and buy a new microwave, not to mention, I had to waste my time online, during nap time when I should be napping working, looking for the best deals on microwaves.

3) I bought (almost) the cheapest microwave out there because our kitchen is on (a not really ever happening) time schedule of being redone, where we get a fancy over-the-range microwave, so I don't really see a point in spending a significant amount of money.

4) I will have to throw this stinkin' broken microwave in the back of my minivan and drive to some suburb that might as well be in Nebraska and pay $30 to recycle it properly, when I just spent $60 on the new microwave... something doesn't add up to me on this. I need some smart person's ratio of time to cost calculation, but you get the point. I feel like I'm getting ripped off.

and finally

5) Just knowing that the new microwave is going to stop working in 2 to 3 years and that I get to repeat this lovely cycle again just stabs me right in the heart.


Would it sound oh, so old of me to say 'they don't make them like they use to.'?

I think I can feel my parents laughing at me right now.


Marie said...

Well, on the bright side, at least you're reducing your carbon footprint. I think that's a good thing?


amanda said...

oh man i remember my parents first was a big deal when it broke and they had to get a new one. i think my mom cried.

sorry friend.

L. Shanna said...

I couldn't agree more! Buy yourself a nice new one, and hope it's made like they used to ;)

Lindy said...

This makes me laugh for 2 reasons. #1. I'm from nebraska but hang out in Minnesota now. #2. My microwave just broke and we are also remodeling with the chance of an overhead range in my future. What do I do now? It stinks!

Galit Breen said...

Annoying and throw-wprthy, for sure. Ugh.

Shan said...

I think my parents got the same first microwave. "Wood" paneling, am right?

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Totally stinks!

Why are things made so much crappier now? I know my grandma still had her first electric mixer, and if you buy one now, it's going to last 2-3 years. Ugh!

Liz Mays said...

You reminded me of my parents' first microwave monstrosity! And you know what? When I got married, we spent $600 on one of those things ourselves.

I didn't know they had to be recycled properly. Oops!

Emmy said...

You can say it because it is true. And yes, my parents had their brick of a microwave for a very long time.

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