Tuesday, February 1, 2011

letter to the preschool mom who parks in the handicap spot with her flashers on

Dearest preschool mom who parks in the handicap spot with her flashers on,

I get it, believe me, I get it. It's ridiculous to get a good parking spot during the winter, they've seemed to pile snow in the parking lot into a formation so there are at least 10 spots less than normal. And yep, it's been freakin' cold outside, like where the actual temperature is a negative something under zero.

I know it sucks getting little people out of their car seats; unbuckling all of them, waiting for them to get their mittens back on, their coats zipped all the way up, get their backpacks over their shoulders. It sucks having to listen to them whine about having to go to school... that it's cold outside... that their socks are bumpy.

But we all do it. We all get them out of the house, get them to the car and get them to preschool.

Except, we don't park in the handicap parking spot. We don't turn on our 'flashers' giving the illusion that we'll be right back, because you're not 'right back', you're waiting for the elevator, you're chatting with the teacher, you're giving kisses and hugs goodbye (sigh).

The thing that gets me. You're a marathon runner. It's not like you can't handle walking across the parking lot. It's not like you are going to get short of breath, pass out in the snow, wake up with flakes between your teeth. You run 26.2 miles at a time, for fun!

And you know what, you only have one little person to get out of the car and into school, I have four. Let's do the math on that, me = 4, you = 1, and that equals 'not fun' for me.

Maybe I'm just jealous, with your ingenuity in parking and the fact that you can run more than 10 miles at a time without dying. It's neither here nor there.

See you in the elevator.


mommytoalot said...

That also equals LAZY..
i have to admit when I drop my 5 off at the Y for their program, I park in front of the building..but never in a handicap spot..and i have two children with special needs..

Evonne said...

At least you have a parking lot. Our school has street parking and there's half as many spot now with the snow piled up on the sides of the roads.

That is very lazy of her. I'd complain to someone. What if another parent truly needs that spot?

Elly said...

Beth. You got ballz with a z! Do you remember when you were pregnant with H.K. and they had special spaces for pregnant mamas? At least at Target they always did. I wish that they still had those, and didn't replace them with more handicap ones for those who are considered handicap because of their obesity. I get opinionated about that as well. If those folks were made to walk more often and farther, maybe they would not need that sticker, and I could have my "I have to waddle because if my thighs cause friction I might get turned on, start contracting and dilating more and have this baby early" parking spot back.

Elly said...

P.S. to those who don't know me. 3 years ago my B.M.I. was in the obese category, but I did something about it. So, yes, I have a right to comment on that -- I'm not just being purely judgemental.

Unknown said...

A lazy marathon runner - what an oxymoron. It would serve her right to be ticketed. Yeah, I'm a b!tch like that.

MommyLisa said...

People like that irritate me. I am the person who parks in the back at Costco because I don't wanna fight for the "good" spots. Plus, I only have ONE so I think I ought to let mama's with more park closer.

Emmy said...

Yeah I would be mad. I had a friend in college who was quadrapaligic. I would often drive his van to take him places and we would get some place and find all the handicapped spaces gone only to see someone who looked more than able cone out to their car in the handicapped space-yeah just a little annoyed

Liz Mays said...

That drives me crazy when people think they're entitled like that!

Mrs. M said...

Ugh I would NEVER do that!

Anonymous said...

Entitled much lady? If the social pressure doesn't bother her, maybe someone should consider putting in a friendly call to the police who will hand her a ticket with a nice big fine to pay. If that's not a derrent I don't know what is. Whenever people do things like this and blame it on the weather I always think, do you not know that you live in Minnesota?

amanda said...

i think you should make a little book of all your preschool stories - they make me smile.

Unknown said...

My blood is boiling for you on this one. In Wisconsin, we have the lady who parks behind you to bring her kid in, professing she'll "only be a minute!" ARGH!!!


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