Tuesday, February 22, 2011

an average loooong weekend

What does the average kid do on a long three day weekend.

Make vials of fake blood, of course

Then create a laboratory for processing said blood

Setting up his lab with the correct instruments for studying blood samples

And of course, posting cautionary signs

I'm only slightly worried that this long Minnesota winter is getting to him (because it is absolutely getting to me. You can find me in the corner, knees to chest, whimpering about seeing grass last week only for it to be covered with a foot of snow this weekend.)


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Seriously? Fake blood.

That's pretty awesome.

Seems like you've got a scientist on your hands.

Emmy said...

Wow and I thought our play was elaborate! That is awesome

Janelle Halverson said...

That IS elaborate and brilliant! Just so you know you are in good company in the corner!!(BTW: I am finally blogging - you can check out my pathtic ramblings if you'd like)

amanda said...


oh how i love this.

and for the record i am just going to go ahead and say he's waaaay above average.

MommyLisa said...

Kids have SUCH imagination. I love it.

p.s. thanks for sticking with me during my draught. :)

Unknown said...

OMG, this is GREAT!!!


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