Wednesday, January 5, 2011

perfectly you

You asked for Criss Cross Crash from Santa. Every time someone asked you what you wanted from Santa it would come out in these blur of words "criscroscrash" and I'd have to stand behind you and do the mommy translation thing, "you want Criss Cross Crash, right!".

The perfect gift choice for you. A clover leaf race track for Hot Wheel cars, where they speed so fast along that they inevitably crash into each other. The type of toy where you need 4 huge D batteries to operate it and the motor makes it sound like an overworked refrigerator. The perfect choice for you, the perfect choice for a boy.

But then you also wanted something else. Something fluffy, pink and purple with the tiniest little pink horn.

And I love you so much for wanting them both. It's perfectly you.


Rebecca said...

We have that one, too. It's awesome.

Shan said...

So sweet.

Liz Mays said...

A sweet soft side. :)

amanda said...

oh how he makes me smile :)

MommyLisa said...

Boo Boo got the unicorn too! She loves it ever so much.

Emmy said...

Alex got the same one for Christmas :). Yes and Santa got a fisher price spinning race track for the baby that has the same old refrigerator problem

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

And, yep...oh, so perfect.

Unknown said...

Do you post these things hoping to reduce us (or at least me) to tears? I am a blubbering mess right now!

Mrs. M said...

Aw, love it!


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