Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Mother of the Year

Mother of the Year award apparently doesn't have an intelligence portion in the competition.

I bounced up the stairs this morning, happy that I was the first one up (and secretly very happy, because I get to be 'all dressed and ready to go', but get lay down on the couch waiting for the knock on the door from the first kid that I watch, or from the screaming monitor of Wu ready to get up, but until then I get to lay on the couch, do nothing and '
pretend sleep' until someone makes me do otherwise. I love mornings like these).

I was laying on the couch thinking about what I should make for breakfast when I remember the can of cinnamon rolls in the fridge.

'Perfect', I picked my body off the couch, proceeded to the kitchen and turned on the oven. I think 'I just need to get the rolls ready and I can just lay right back down on the couch and do nothin' for a little more... bliss'.

I'm giving myself a little mental high-five because this is one of those low-work, high-yield things of motherhood, where my children (and husband) think I'm the most awesome-est person in the world for making cinnamon rolls, all warm and gooey when they get to the table, just for them.

Darn right, I'm feeling like I should be freakin' Mother of the Year.

I grab the can of cinnamon rolls out the the fridge and whack it against the counter.

*whack* (only fairly quiet, like I said, I was still the only one up and the couch was still calling me).

The can didn't budge, I figure I was taking it a little too lightly.



*Whack, Whack, WHACK*


I'm getting ready to forget this whole thing, give up the crown, forgo this Mother of the Year crap and climb back on the couch. I stare down the can hoping that I can mentally open the can by burning a laser line through it with my blazing, red hot furious eyes.

Then I noticed it, 'Peel Here'.

As in 'peel off the label' before whacking the can on the edge of the counter repeatedly.

Anyone else feel like Mother of the Year lately?

(You'll probably beat me in the Q and A portion.)


Lee said...

LOL! I did the same thing before!

Liz Mays said...

I've done that once but never again. I'm sure you won't either! ;)

Marketing Mama said...

LOL. I never whack mine! I just peel enough to where it pops on it's own. Scare's the bajesus out of me every time. Cute story!

Jen Westpfahl said...

Very funny. Like Missy, those things freak me out.

Today I had to strain our mac and cheese in the bathroom because the kitchen sinks were so full. I guess that's more like homemaker of the year, eh?

AiringMyLaundry said...


I hate those things. I always jump when the can pops even though I know it's coming.

Shan said...

Hey, you're still MotY to me (*ahem*... I may know some dirt on myself that disqualifies me... grr).

Heidi said...

Hee-Hee! I have been known to proceed before reading directions and later felt like a total ass!
But the fact that you were willing to bake the cinnamon rolls in the first place put you further ahead in the polls for Mother of the Year than me!
I could never tend anyone else's kid so that's one more for you.
I send my kids to school with two left shoes and there hair uncombed. Yeah, I'm not even in the runnings!
Thanks for coming to visit me today!

tori said...

my mother of the year moment involved forgetting two of my children on a playground and not realizing it till I got home. Yeah I'm an awesome mom!

Evonne said...

I guess I need that award a few times! I've done things like that more times than I care to count!

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

My mother of the year moment had to do with taking the kids out of the car, leaving the rear door open, and backing out of the garage, ripping the rear door of the car off from the side of the garage...and costing us a boatload.

Note to self, always, now: when you take the kids out, leave them w/the DH to run further errands, remember to shut the back doors.

Your posts are awesome! They crack me up...

LutherLiz said...

LOL, and I'm still thinking that the boys loved you for the cinnamon rolls.

It happens to the best of us. I had to use the same pair of sock on baby goat yesterday because I STILL hadn't done his laundry. I finally got to it last night, but now its sitting in a bucket where it will probably sit until I do his laundry again. :)

Emmy said...

Lol! That is pretty funny... I hate those peel here sections as the can always explodes open and scares me when I start peeling.
And now I really want cinnamon rolls! And I am not the mother of the year so I don't even have any in my fridge to make!

Allison said...

Funny! And I say funny because I have done this before and several more things like it. Sometimes my brain just tunes out!

RuensOnTheRun said...

Too funny! I do love those quiet, slow mornings!

Unknown said...

CONGRATS!! I am so excited to have awarded you The Honest Scrap Award. Visit for the rules:

April D said...

I tend to get the kids all hyped up with promises of "let's make cookies together" on a rainy day, start the batter only to find out I'm missing enough of a key ingredient! LOL And, it being rainy, I sure as heck don't want to go out to buy the ingredient that I need and I wind up not wanting to even finish the cookies! LOL

amanda said...

you know the sad part? the actual whack part scares the you know what out of me - i mean i know it's going to pop, i just don't know when! and then when it does i always scream!!

on a side note - i wish we were neighbors - i'd come over and we could enjoy the canned goodness together :)

The Rambler said...


Soooo funny. And sooo been there. Like yesterday and the day before and before that...

But if anyone asks. We are totally mother of the year. :)

dahozho said...

Ok, you're still at least two steps ahead of me in the "MOY" competition.

Me-- still browsing through the dairy aisle thinking how nice it would be to bake up some of those cinnamon rolls on a Sunday morning. Realizing I *still* don't have a baking pan for them. Thinking about getting small fry and the groceries I *do* need back up to our apartment with his stuff in one trip....

Well, the Pillsbury goodness is still sitting in the store...sigh. But at least this week I got all the laundry done, folded AND put away!!

hidden said...

Ha Ha Ha, I've done that before, but I can one up ya... I didn't read and memorize the instructions for cooking before peeling off the label so I had to guess what to do with the dough once it was out of the can.

Shan said...

How funny... this post has been on my mind the past few days, and next thing I know, it's showing up in the Link Within recommendations. I forgot about the label part... I'm pretty sure it's a sign that I need cinnamn rolls!


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