Friday, September 25, 2009

the waiting game

Dearest Dad at the bus stop,

Man, is there anything worse than waiting?

Umm yes, it's having someone who comes in the nick of time and doesn't wait. It's the adult version of budging in the hand stamp line at the end of library story time, when the rest of us have been patient, stood in line and well, waited.

Today, you had your best time yet, arriving possibly 30 seconds before the bus pulled up. You turned the corner in your pick-up, gave me the manly nod-of-acknowledgement, whipped a little U, put your truck in park and just like that, the bus appeared from behind the hill, your daughter jumped down the bus stairs, climbed into your truck and you both were gone.

Don't you know that you are suppose to be there 5 minutes before the bus arrives? In my head, I had this whole scenario of your daughter getting off the bus, me telling the bus driver that (I'm an awesome mom who follows the be-there-five-minutes-before-the bus-gets-there rule and that) 'I'll wait with her' and when you sped around the corner, your little daughter with tears streaming down her face, she would ask 'why weren't you there (five minutes before) like this (fabulous, really cutely dressed) mom, (who waited)' what will you say then?

But like I said, you pulled up 'right on time'. I gave you my meek, half wave from my rolled down window, but really I wanted to give you my little birdie friend gesture for your adult budging, yet again.

I followed you home (not in a creepy, stalker sort of a way, we both just happen to be heading in the same direction; really, I'm serious). I saw that you had the Iraq War Veteran plates on your truck. I started to feel (a little guilty for the giving you the bird thing in my head and) like maybe you just had this school bus ESP, that your special armed forces training was directly related to being 'just in time'.

I guess I'm trying to say: I'm sorry. You go right ahead and not wait. I should have never questioned your ability to know right when to get there. But if your daughter is ever left waiting in turn for you, I can tell her 'don't worry, he'll be here soon' and that 'when you are sixteen; you take all the time you need doing your hair, picking your outfit, etc...cause it payback time'.



Emmy said...

I am so paranoid about being late that I am usually there ten minutes early... so yeah I would be right there with you annoyed and in awe of his ability.

MamaOtwins+1 said...

And when his daughter misses the bus he can whip his truck around and take her to school. Wonder if he will be on time?

Dame Nuisance said...

Heh, heh, heh "take all your time getting ready, putting on make-up, etc when you're sixteen" because it's payback time - I love Karma with a side of Schadenfreude. I totally get where you're coming from. Recently, I've noticed some uber-MILFs with an overdeveloped sense of entitlement picking their children up right in front of the main entrance to school in plain sight of the sign which reads "Not a pick up/drop off zone." Yeah, I feel like waving with only one finger, too.

Marketing Mama said...

OMG that's so funny. I tend to fixate on other people's behavior too. They just really piss me off sometimes!

Anonymous said...

This was funny LOL 'special armed forces training'!!

Miss Lisa said...

Do they train that ability to just 'know' in the military? ;)
If so, my husband missed that day!


amanda said...

really cutely dressed??

you. are. awesome.


Mrs. M said...

I will always be an early-bird!

Heidi said...

So, how does crow taste? Just kidding.
I am impressed that "Dad at the Bus Stop" can make it that close to when the bus arrives. Is the bus always there at the exact same second every day? If so, that bus driver deserves an award. Our busses are a lot less reliable.
I would be the mom that you would stay and wait with my kid out of pity because my internal clock is about 7 minutes slow(on a good day).
Thanks so much for popping in today! You're a sweetheart! I know my post was pretty lame, so I appreciate you coming anyway!

Anonymous said...

That's hilarious. I jusge people like that too. Like he doesn't care about his daughter & he was probably drunk & passed out & she had to wake him up to make it to the bus on time. That sounds totally messed up but in all fairness I come by it honestly. My dad does the same damn thing.

FranticMommy said...

I am sooooo with you on that! I have a huge "crying-child-on-the-front-step-where's-my-Mom-oh-wait-here-comes-the-police" phobia. I leave work 1/2 hour before the bus is due home...and it only takes me 10 minutes to get home. My hubs is like yours. Gets there by the skin of a gnats a$$ everytime.

A Crafty Mom said...

I am so that mom who is five minutes early too!!

p.s. Hey - missed you lots. The bitch is back :)

Allison said...

That is so crazy! I don't have to wait at a stop, they pull up to the house but I am always ready and waiting at least 10 minutes early. I am so paranoid about missing it.

We had a neighbor who would always be sleeping when the bus pulled up and I would have to go and knock on the door to wake her up. I mean really! You can't stay awake for like 10 minutes to get your son off the bus!

Rebecca said...

Yikes. I am that guy. And I was late last week. Not good when it's a four-year-old I was supposed to pick up. I found her walking down the street by herself.

I am a bad mom, and I could learn a bit from you (get there EARLY) and this guy (you can put if off to the last possible second, but still get there BEFORE the bus).

Wisconsin Parent said...

Okay...I totally I want to be that last-minute person, but I can't. This is SO Midwestern. And I'm going to hell for saying this, but the other parents at the buss stop have shit that apparently does NOT stink.

A Box of Chocolates said...

It's not fair is it I am always there early so early i could take the darn class and give the teacher a break. So early I am probably able to drive the flippin bus, but hey the one time I would be late I would feel like so much crap that it would only ever happen once. What's wrong with us. Ha ha!!

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

I am always an early arriver. And not only that. Waiting for the bus (I used to take our former surro's kids to the bus many times when I stayed at their home and she didn't want to wake or was working)... is the best time to keep them contained and have an actual CONVERSATION with the kids. I loved it!!!! I would laugh at some of the clever stuff the kids came out with but also, being stuck in a car is a great place to get kids to open up about life and the things that are important to them. That dad is missing out.

Liz Mays said...

I'd be so stressed out doing everything at the last minute like that. I have to be early like you.

Aracely said...

You crack me up Beth! Guess what Supermommy just happens to have the bus stop di-rectly in front of her home and waits on her very own lawn chair under the shaded tree with a iced lemonade in her hand? This girl, right here! God is good.


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