Monday, September 14, 2009

gone bananas

I get bananas almost every week at the grocery store. (Granted, I'm cursing the genius-supermarket-marketers that have made getting your produce first 'the standard in grocery shopping experiences'. Why, because we like squashed grapes, we like trying to make room in the seat somewhere between a toddler's butt and the side of the cart for our delicate, over-priced fruits? Call me crazy, but maybe picking out produce should be last, right before the check out lane? Am I crazy? Yeah, don't answer that.)

Back to bananas.

I'm standing in front of the freezer, door open, making a mental note of the things that we have in there. I push over the frozen peas, look beyond the frozen pineapple, check off frozen waffles and pancakes (yes, we like our frozen foods), knock over the four empty ice cube trays and throw back into the back of the freezer the frozen deer meat (We have deer in our freezer, there I said it; animal lovers come strike me dead, but as some consolation, it is nearly six months old and we haven't touched it. What can I say, we just aren't one of those couples that come home and say 'Hello Dear, how about some deer for dinner?', so there the deer sits and oh yes, it was a gift.), so just right to the deer meat is this black mass that I guess I have been avoiding.

The frozen bananas.

I have 10 frozen bananas or should say had 16 frozen banana but 6 of them were at the point of being freezer dried and deemed trash can worthy.

Are these 16 frozen bananas a metaphor for the type of mother that I am? Are these an example of my good intentions on getting things done, but just not making it 'past the peeling'? Think of all the metaphorical 'baby food, banana bread, banana muffins and smoothies' that my children have missed out on because I'm just too lazy.

Make me feel better, go count your bananas.

PS- I'm running with the assumption that other people put bananas in their freezers too. This isn't just a 'me' thing, is it?

PSS- I realize that in my hoping that other people may have more than 16 frozen bananas in their freezer, I'm setting myself up for further disappointment.


4luvandlife said...

weird, i had 16 in mine too.

Cate and David said...

I peel them and pop them in a ziplock before I thrust them into the back of my freezer to be forgotten :)

Anonymous said...

I have so many bananas in my freezer that they fall out and smash your toes when you open the door. Funny thing is I just used up a bunch making banana bread for my hasband to take out hunting. Moose, not deer but what the difference really?

Lee said...

I don't put mine in the freezer, although maybe I should, because we buy the bunch, eat one and then sit and watch the rest turn into a gooey mess on the counter.

Emmy said...

I didn't know you could put them in the freezer. Does it really work and for how long?? I have rotten bananas on my counter. :)

Liz Mays said...

I don't have bananas, but trust me, I make up for it in other foods.

LutherLiz said...

We peel them too.

And for what it is worth I shop backwards at the grocery store...soda, packaged stuff (cereal, mac and cheese, etc), produce, fridge, frozen. It keeps cold stuff colder and it makes it easier to bag stuff together. But that's just me.

Anonymous said...

I put bananas in my freezer once. Then two days later threw it away because it grossed me out...ahhh good intentions!
I always pick up the produce last - I start in the back of the store and work my way up to frozen foods then fruits and veggies ;)

Allison said...

Yep, banana's in the freezer...some peeled in a ziploc and some I just threw on the shelf. I'm guessing maybe 7 or 8. Probably have some mashed up and frozen into cubes from when I made my youngest's baby food too...and I'm with Shanna, I start at the back of the store also.

mommytoalot said...

I love bananas..but those look icky..

amanda said...

so i have a texture issue with bananas. can't stand them. the taste. the feel. the whole package. literally make me gag.

but IF i liked them i am sure i would be freezing them just like you with high hopes :)

and for the record - amen on the produce being last! seriously grocery people get it right!

Wisconsin Parent said...

Um. I found a used q-tip in our freezer. Want to come over for some venison?

kristine said...

I have 9. They usually end up as the last one of the bunch that didn't get eaten and tossed in the freezer. Last year I had 11 and took them all out on a Saturday and made a bunch of stuff with 'em on Sunday.

Allison said...

I don't have bananas in my freezer but it's only because I haven't thought of it!

Usually they just rot on my counter and I can't get little one to eat them and hubby doesn't (I live with two TERRIBLY picky eaters).

I did find a really ice laden box of spinach though! I only know it was spinach because of the size of the box! I couldn't see past the icicles!

Anonymous said...

I can't keep bananas in my house. My daughter eats a nanner every day and if they start to go bad I make banana bread. It never tastes right and Iusually have to throw it away because no one will eat it.

Amanda {My Life Badly Written} said...

I don't freeze them because otherwise they would be lost forever. But I do have a great and easy banana & choc chip muffin recipe that I make at least once a fortnight due to browning bananas.

But mostly I am too lazy too and I just give them to the dogs!

Janie Woods said...

I've never frozen them (although I hear that peeling and ziplocs are the way to go). I actually have a banana hammock on my dining room table (not the European men's swimsuit, a REAL banana hammock). As for the deer meat, YUMMY!!! It wouldn't last six months in our freezer!!! Bambi definitely does NOT taste like chicken!

Aryn said...

We throw our getting-mushy bananas into a smoothie and then freeze that - it makes for a good future-smoothie-starter. But I have been known to put a banana or two in the fridge (duh, we come from the same family). The hub makes me use them though. We like muffins. There are zero bananas currently in our freezer. Sorry, B.
Nice idea on starting in the back of the store and going toward the produce. So many smart readers...

kayerj said...

I've never frozen a banana--can you thaw them and use them? Oh-and we eat deer meat *gasp*

Allison said...

I've nominated you for a blog award! I love reading your posts...check it out!

Half of a Duo, Raising a Duo said...

I've never frozen them. I've seen them stuck in friends' fridges... I use mine up in smoothies so thus far I've not had to freeze but it's a good concept and thanks for the suggestion!

Sincerely Iowa said...

I didn't even know bananas could be frozen so I just learned something new!

I-Blog Conference - Nov 14-15

KK said...

I had no idea you could put bananas in the freezer. But then, I don't like them...

Sarah said...

Hi Anti-Supermom! I have a little bloggy badge awaiting you at my humble webode! Yes, I am that corny, thanks. Come on over!


Hannah said...

Like you, I wish produce plus bread and eggs were near the end of the grocery store so that they wouldn't get smashed. And by the way, I put my bananas right in the refrigerator. The skins turn brown but the banana's firmness stays exactly as it was when you put it in. They keep well for 5-7 days. Submit CUTE or FUNNY photos and tell friends to vote for them. No entry fee.

leigh hewett said...

We have 2 freezers full of deer meat and I have zero bananas in my freezer.

Now you know all about my frozen foods.


Marketing Mama said...

LOL - I have never once put a banana in the freezer.

I wouldn't have a clue what to do with them - I don't really bake foods with bananas in them... besides, we eat are bananas so fast, they never go bad! :)

missy said...

stopping by from SITS.
love your post!!!!
i too save the bananas......but NEVER use them!!!!!
at the time it sounds like a great idea to save them....but when it comes down to it.....DUH what was i thinking?!?!!?!?!? we also have the 6 month old deer meat......who knows....maybe older than that!!!!!
have a great week!!!! your header!!!!!

Heidi said...

I have to admit that bananas don't last that long at my house. One day tops and their gone. If any are left I just throw them away when they get yucky. I've never put them in the freezer except when I used to work at an Icecream shop and that was when they were dipped in chocolate. But on the other hand I grew up on deer meat, so I'd take that over the frozen bananas anyday. You should be brave, take it out and try it. It really doesn't taste as bad as you think.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Not weird at all...I throw mine in the freezer, too! Of course, they really hurt if they fall out.

But, they make great banana raspberry bread:)

KriskropMemories said...

I don't have any bananas at this time in my freezer because I have finally come to terms that even though I hate wasting food I don't bake, I can throw hundreds of bananas in the freezer and I still won't bake!!
Oh and I don't have a blender for smoothies and my kids are past baby food!
I hope you have better luck :)


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