I've been tagged. Tagged by the lovely (and young, just teasing you!) Kristine. I don't like to play a ton of games and rarely do I play by the rules, but whatever. This is my TMI tag.
1- Today I showed Henry how to shake the 'skin cells' off his scalp onto a piece of paper, otherwise known as dandruff.
2- I'm obsessed with all things that have to do with fertility, causing a complete 6 year addiction to 'wiping and looking'. I have to look at the toilet paper every. time.
3- When Wyatt gets caught playing in the potty, most times I just roll up his sleeves because it's clean and dry above the elbow and I'm not about to do more laundry unnecessarily.
4- I have bras in my drawer from high school. I imagine I'd have underwear from high school too if only my butt remained that of a high schooler.
5- When giving my boys a bath on Monday, I remembered that somebody needed to have their toenails clipped, I told Henry to remind me when we were done with bath. Needless to say, it was neither Henry or Wyatt, but myself, which I realized two days after said bath.
6- I bite my nails. Ahem, all my nails. (I'm totally joking, but I thought this would completely freak some people out. Yes, I do bite my fingernails, which I sure still has some people cringing.)
7- At thirty-something years old I still wear a retainer at night to keep the teeth straight. My poor husband knows 'nothings happenin' when the tin is in'.