Friday, May 2, 2008

reason number 973

Reason number 973 of why I love having children:
-I get to send the 'leftovers' with them.

How I love banana bread. I lose it for a cheap box of chocolate cake with probably even a cheaper tub of frosting oozing on top. I'd give my first born son (OK, maybe not him, but my third if we have one) for a warm, fresh baked batch of monster cookies. Honestly though, I can't just have a bit. Well, I can have a bit, then a bit more, then a forkful, then a little slice. You get it, I have no control.

The solution became a simple one, a couple of years ago, in the form of this pint sized little one that I call my son. Most times, when I make something sweet I *have* to give some of it away. I wrap it up for him to share with the friends at childcare or better yet, I pass it off on the children's parents that I watch, that way they can deal with the sugar rush during my off hours (I should really do that more often!).

This of course works with my DH as well. His office has been subjected to my banana bread many times. I just don't like sending it with him as they might then actually find out how bad of a cook I am.

In honor of this little post, here's a picture of Wyatt's first birthday. Enjoying his first taste of the good stuff. I mean of course, chocolate cupcakes made especially for him by SuperTarget. (Oh yes, this anti-supermom didn't even make her child's first cake, I'm sure he'll thank me someday!)


OHmommy said...

LOL.... I puffy heart Target. You and I could be the BEST of friends.

Marketing Mama said...

Happy birthday to Wyatt! Good idea on sending some of the sweets off for others to enjoy. I don't think I have your willpower :)

kristine said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Wyatt! I don't have the joy of sending goodies off with the kids...yet! I send them with the hubby though.


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