Thursday, May 29, 2008

our family staycation

I've been introduced to a new word. Staycation. It's another one of those fun-to-say words like freegan that people will turn and look at you like 'what are you talking about, crazy lady.' (I love these words!) Though we dreamed of beaches, restaurants and fancy hotels, our budget well, just couldn't budget a vacation.

A staycation is almost exactly how we spent our Memorial Day weekend, we didn't stay home, but we stayed at my parents in Decorah, Iowa (which my husband would argue many people would actually 'vacation' in Decorah). The staycation was beautiful.

We took our first bike ride of the season. 23 miles, which proved to be a little much for Wyatt who cried at the top of his lungs for 3 of those. I dressed my poor children in matching green striped shirts and had their pictures taken formally and then not so formally (umm, by me as you can see in the sidebar). I'm still perplexed why I wasn't able to walk right by that t-shirt table at Target as I am soo not a matching children kind of mother. We watched a 15 minute parade on Memorial Day. We, meaning husband and parents, ate ice cream at a lovely shop (should I say shoppe) since neither of my children eat ice cream (well, Wyatt would if I let a 13 month old eat ice cream). We played in the park. We rode in the convertible.

Overall, I would say that it was a great staycation. Total price of our staycation = $172.36. Obviously for this anti-supermom, my children's fond memories of a vacation aren't exactly priceless.


McMommy said...

We just recently did a stay-cation! And can I just was so much fun to be a tourist in our hometown!

Glad you enjoyed yours! And just in case you cared (which I'm sure you don't)...I LOVE the matching shirts on the boys!

Happy POW!

TheAustinEmpire said...

Wow, I've been missing something. Well, not really, but really. In 10 years that I've lived in AZ, all of my vacations were really stay-cations (visiting family in IA, also). So now I can officially say I've never, as an adult, been on vacation, that's what I've been missing.

amanda said...

love this idea! although our little town is way to little to be a tourist!!

and yes your husband is right - we actually have vacationed in decorah!!

btw - love, love your header!!

happy POW :)

Anonymous said...

YAY IOWA!!! Sorry, I get super spazzy when I read about people in Iowa. My hubby and I are from there and I would love to be able to visit there this summer (alas, our budget couldn't fit a visit to

Simply Shannon said...

Hmmmm, does it count as a "stay-cation" if you have to travel 1,000 miles by plane to be there? I'm heading to my hometown next weekend to visit my family. I've never really thought of it as a real vacation, but hadn't thought of another term for it. Like Dana, I too have never been on a real honest to goodness vacation as an adult.

Mike Tobin said...

Great idea :)
Your boys are soooo cute!

Happy POW!

Manager Mom said...

Oh... I love made up wordlets. And, I have actually gone dumpster diving with some freegans. I am filled with randomness today...

kristine said...

Sounds wonderful! We just got back from one as well. It's always a nice thing to do!The matching shirts are adorable!

Liz said...

So cool to hear ( this post! We're doing a stay-cation this summer, too!

Oh, and by the way, I've been lurking here for a week or so now. (just in case ya wondered who the heck I am!)


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