Thursday, March 3, 2011

lucky rabbit's foot

My tax appointment is on Saturday,

I really hate being self employed this week.

I don't use the word 'hate' very often, only like once a year.

Wyatt slipped in his own vomit running to the bath.

I'm the one who told him about trying to make it to the bathroom.

Henry threw up on the bus ride home from school.

It was exactly 2 days later.

Like clockwork.

Edy had her 6 month shots, a horrible cold and getting her first teeth,


My laundry pile hasn't been put away in nearly a month.

(that's embarrassing to type)

Lucky, of course though, just look at those little foot in pajamas.


Mrs. M said...

I hope everyone is feeling fantastic very soon!

Shan said...

Oh, Beth. This was our life a few weeks back, mostly minus the vomit.

The upside was that I lost seven pounds that week (in case you're wondering.

*Almost* a month? Here's where I can compete. Tom folded all of the laundry last night. Some of it's been there since early December. No, it hasn't been put away. We have to wrap it up by this time next month when the in-laws will arrive. It's good to have goals, right?

Gettysburg Mom said...

The teenager I was never would have imagined how much grown up woman me LOVES animal feet jammies. Can't. Resist. Animal. Toesies.

Capital Mom said...

That sounds about right. :-) Good to know it isn't just me.

Penelope said...

Tax time stinks, but that little foot makes it worth it :)

Unknown said...

Girl, I hear you on the laundry thing. Seriously. Mine will be put away tomorrow because my mother and sister will be in town tomorrow night and they judge me. They do.
You do have one very lucky rabbit foot, though. I'll have to get me one of those. ;-)

Elly said...

If you ever decide to have a private garage sale of baby girl clothes, give me a call. I have a checkbook ;-)

Those are cute cute cute.

Hello I'm Lala! said...

I hope they feel better soon.
I am the same way with the laundry. It is sad. It takes me days, if not a week or longer to put it all up. We'll just get clean clothes out of the baskets. LOL. Horrible.
Have a great weekend!!!

amanda said...


oh so lucky.

Janelle Halverson said...

Ah suck!!! That is NO fun at all - except for the foot part - I would love to munch on those toes!!! Hang in there!

MommyLisa said...

Oh! My uterus jumped.

Loukia said...

My boys have both been sick this week with the never ending flu and I'm been so down in the dumps lately. I am just waiting for warmer days. And the stupid laundry! Little things do make it better, though - looking at cute baby toes and sleeping children. :)

Emmy said...

I lay out the clean clothes in my office and well there is pretty much at least one pile in there at all times

Anonymous said...

a month without putting away clothes is bad? im a very bad momma. does this mean ALL the clothes? i dont think there is ever a time ALL the clean clothes are put away


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