Wednesday, March 30, 2011


I think he's entering the years where his body becomes more awkward than adorable, where people stop telling me that 'your son is so cute', where I look at him and see him closer to being a teenager than to being my baby.

Two teeth, gone.

Somehow it's changed the whole way I look at him.

Now, I need to change my definition of being handsome.


Mrs. M said...

Aw, he is adorable!

MommyLisa said...

I see adorable. ;)

Candi said...

He is ADORABLE!!! I love it when they lose the little teeth. But the best part is the pictures of them with those 2 huge teeth that come in. I LOVE those!

Kelly Miller said...

The big-kid years do require an adjustment ... just wait until his big adult teeth push in next to those little chiclet baby teeth ....

Your big kid looks like quite the character, though! A handsome, silly character.

Mandy said...

I see adorable as well. What a great picture. :)

Caitlin {Pacifier In My Pocket} said...

Aww, he IS handsome! But I'd say cute, too--especially with the teeth missing. I love those shots!

Janelle Halverson said...

He is handsome but I felt so much the same way about the teeth coming in when E was a baby and then when she started losing them it was just kind of a knock the wind out of ya SHOCK!

amanda said...

why does this post bring tears to my eyes?

i am not ready friend.

and i know it's *far* away for me.

but i am guessing you thought the same...

Anonymous said...

i think he is handsome

Emmy said...

Yes when my son lost his bottom four teeth it definitely made me realize he isn't my cute little boy anymore. Funny how kids go from so cute and everyone wants to see them to "those obnoxious kids" so quickly.

Unknown said...

I think he's very handsome, lost teeth and all. And yes, I totally teared up over this one.

Anonymous said...

Oh, but there's something so sweet about those gaps! Baby spent most of last year with all four of her front teeth missing! We even had to write a note to the tooth fairy explaining about the tooth at the bottom of the lake.

citymouse said...

He is handsome! It won't be long till the little ladies think so too!

Capital Mom said...

"More ackward then adorable" is a great way of descriping those years. I remember them well.

Jennifer Bowen said...

He's still handsome without the teeth! =) At least he's smiling. My son refused to smile when he lost his two front teeth.

Rebecca said...

So awesome.


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