Monday, April 4, 2011

a rhetorical question

What is wrong with me?

It started with a text from my husband one morning, 'turn on CBS, cute baby'. I was certain that he was texting the wrong person, because he should clearly know that Satan (otherwise known as Wyatt) wakes up at our house screaming about wearing the same pants 'all the time'... that he doesn't have his two pancakes sitting on the counter as he requested before going to bed... that his 'brain' is not allowing him to get out from under the covers.

I texted my husband something back about 'leaving me to deal with this sort of crap everyday and why would he expect I have time to turn on the television'. Not really. I wrote 'no time' (see, I can be that sweet, adoring wife I should be).

Turns out that he wanted me to catch the video of baby Emerson.

And I've gotta tell you, I just don't get it.

Yes, of course he is abso-freakin'-lutely adorable... but almost 14 million views?

Enough to have his, I can't comprehend how much it will cost to send my child to college in 18 years, college tuition paid for by the ads?


So, back to what's wrong with me. Since hearing about all this, I'm like on this alert mode that I can't seem to get out of, 'what cute stuff do my kids do that I can put up on YouTube?' (and make hundreds of thousands of dollars for doing)

Edy often farts whenever you hold her up in the air, airplane-style.

YouTube worthy?

She's also been know to put her big toe and the one next to it in her nostrils, it totally looks like she's picking her nose with her toes.

You'd want to see that, right?

I need help.


MommyLisa said...

I am with you on this one. I mean? Why isn't my daughter doing iCarly impressions or her Zoo Machine getting a million gabillion hits, huh?

KristinFilut said...

Wait. What? People earn money from advertisers with YouTube videos? What rock have I been hiding under? I need to get me a flip!

For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...

Finally have a few minutes to explore and get to know you! I am laughing because it looks like you are from Minnesota and I just had a little girl, after two boys, and we were just saying the other day that she once again is identical to my husband Ed and we shoudl have named her Edith! Isn't that funny- since we have a Henry too..he is 3. ANyways! Love your sense of humor!

Shan said...

LMAO (when you figure it out, please let me know... Fynn often farts while chewing on my chin, but she's getting at least one upper tooth in, so time's a-wasting if we want to pimp our kids in some sort of tandem flying/chewing/farting thing).

Emmy said...

Wait how do you get money from ads on YouTube?? Ryder was busting a gut when he was "smashing" my finger the other day.

Jen Westpfahl said...

It is a pretty funny video. Reminds me of how Ellie gets scared when Grandpa looks at her with his glasses of. He puts them back on and she relaxes. It's not quite as dramatic a reaction as this kid though!

Laural Out Loud said...

OMG, YES! I totally want to see that! As for my kids, that never do anything cute at the right time, I'm considering staging. Because everyone deserves their shot to win $100,000 on America's Funniest Home Videos.

citymouse said...

Really? I'm having a WTF moment here. I haven't even heard about Baby Emerson... shows you how in the know I am. There are always those people who seem to fall into "it". It's just never me (or anyone related to me by blood). My husband always tells my kids he'd rather them be rich instead of famous. I agree.

Caitlin {Pacifier In My Pocket} said...

First off, I think that is an excellent plan!

Second, I was more mad that the baby's name was Emerson. That is my son's name and the baby in the video is the only other baby Emerson I've found.

Gettysburg Mom said...

@Caitlin- I was just coming to whine about the baby named Emerson. I named my guy Emerson sixteen months ago after Ralph Waldo and was apparently a flipping trend setter. He will now go by Bob.

Janelle Halverson said...

i would totally watch the farting!! heh! are you watching the Decorah Eagles? Talk about insanity here people! the bandwidth on almost every internet provider around is being screwed up! lovely!

amanda said...

i totally would watch that.

maybe i need help :)

Unknown said...

I meant to comment on this before, and then I forgot, but then I remembered because the mental image of Edie picking her nose with her feet keeps popping into my head and giving me the worst (and best) cases of hysterics.


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