Wednesday, April 20, 2011

no ifs, ands, or buts

Wyatt has several excuses for not doing one particular thing or another, like putting his coat on by himself, or putting his shoes on, or grabbing his backpack on the way out the door to preschool, "but I'll do it when I'm a spy"... "if I was in college, I would do it"... "I'll do it when it's my birthday".

Lucky for us, his birthday is coming up next week.

My husband and I have held dearly onto his promise that being a 4 year old will be better than 3. Please, oh please be better than 3, because we can't handle another year of complaining about waistbands too tight, pants too short, the ever-present butt crack because he will *not wear* his pants tight or short, or will he wear a belt. Of course, he would wear sweatpants every. single. day if I'd let him.

I'm so tired of seeing his butt crack.

Out of nowhere, Wyatt decided last night, one week early, that it was time for him to wipe his own butt.

(cue the angels)

"That's what people do... people wipe their own butts. Mommy does, Daddy does, Henry does... from tonight on, I'm going to wipe my butt!"

He continues, "I can't wait to tell Dad that I'm going to wipe my own butt."

(Because, sure, he's the one he calls out when sitting on the perch of the toilet.)

I smile, nod and say a silent prayer that this actually means we are indeed one step closer to that magical age of 4, where he does everything that he's promised us that he would do.

And on top of that, I won't be seeing his butt with my face down in the toilet, him grabbing onto my leg for support.

Well, at least I won't be seeing his butt from that angle.


Kristy @Loveandblasphemy said...

I feel right now that I will never see the day when my son is wiping his own butt! Hallelujah is right! Hey, I like you. Will follow.

Mrs. M said...

Haha! I still have to help my 5 year old thing I don't think I'm going to miss at all when they are older! :)

Aryn said...

Wahahahaha! I laughed and read this out loud. I freaking love that kid. He reminds me so much of me. Seriously.

Amelia Sprout said...

Wait, butt wiping happens at four? I've missed whole week of making someone do it. Time to change that.

amanda said...

all sorts of awesome!!

Jen said...

Hahaha, that is awesome!! Thanks for sharing that!

Anonymous said...

how do you describe my home life so well???? I love this.

Shan said...

Hahaha! Mad would love to be in charge of wiping her own butt. Of course, she'd like to be in charge of everything. All in due time, Mad-a-girl, all in due time...

Stacy Uncorked said...

That is HILARIOUS! Now I'll be curious to see what promises he makes good on after his birthday next week. ;)

WW: Dork Dogs and Cats

Claremont First Ward said...

I just started making my twins wipe their own butts. On one hand, it was nice to know that it was getting done right when an adult was doing it, but on the other hand, it's like the heavens opened now that I'm not changing diapers or wiping butts. :)

Unknown said...

I'm stealing his "but I'll do it when I'm a ninja" excuse. He's a genius!

Emmy said...

We too used the age of four for many grown up things, including wiping your own butt. But in our case I think the drama increased ten fold with four- so good luck. :)

Jenn said...

Ahhh...he is too funny! My Mikey is like that...but he holds true to his word, and eventually does the things he says he will do. (Like after a year of LITERALLY nothing but khakis and striped shirts on my boy EVERY SINGLE DAY, he is finally, again wearing jeans and "picture shirts" as he calls them.) And now, looking back on that year of the most boring wardrobe EVER, I can smile and think how cute he looked every day in his little striped polos and his khaki pants. (When at the time, I was dreaming of cute little boy jeans and witty tee shirts!) Hang in there Momma!


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