Along with a few other pets; we had a dog or two that lacked the 'I'm a dog, I'm not a car' brain cells.
Moving on.
So, I'm not thrilled about the idea of getting a pet in the near future. Of course, if my children beg, bother and bribe me for the next couple of years or so, I will not deny them the chance to have a pet of their own... I suppose.
Last week, Wyatt came home from preschool all excited about making his own Humpty Dumpties. I offered drawing on plastic eggs. I offered blowing out the yolks of eggs. The only idea the seemed to satisfy him was hard boiling eggs.
So I did.
And we drew cute little faces on them.
Wyatt put them in little cups. He put Kleenex in the bottom of the cups for little beds. He tucked them in at night inside the refrigerator because 'Mom, that's where eggs sleep'. He was the perfect little caretaker.
Then one got a crack in it.
Wyatt, the perfectionist, was surprisingly OK with this, because to him it 'helped his Humpty Dumpty sit up better'.
But then I started to get worried about shells getting everywhere, little pieces of white eggshells between the wood floors, in the carpet.
So I ate him.
And now I feel a little guilty, like I just ate his pet fish.
Lucky for me though, he wasn't really upset at all, because he 'still has another'.
I see a future filled with pairs: two turtles, two hamsters, two lizards... you get the picture.
Really lucky for me, since I was already super excited about having pets.
I'm going to have to make a mental note not to read your blog while nursing Fynn with the goal of putting her down for the night.
"So I ate him" almost took me down!
For what it's worth, I tried all the non-cuddly pets for Corey. Lizards, frogs, fish, turtle (may he rest in peace). They were not as satisfying for him as Maisy... the *one* dog I ever hope to own.
I laughed, then I felt ashamed of myself. But, hey, as long as no one cried buckets of tears, we're all ok. I can laugh again.
Moms that eat pets are not all that much better than dogs who think they're cars! LOL
and you ate it!! honey i can't stop laughing!!
ps - i wanted to devote all my naptime to you today, but it didn't happen. i owe you.
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