Wednesday, March 23, 2011

baby toes

She rubs her feet together when she's excited. I can hear the sound of her shoes, the leather on leather, right now. We call it her 'foot fire', like we had with the boys before her.

But unlike any of them, she likes to eat her toes. She will curl her plump legs, stretch out her little fingers and catch her foot in a palm. It seems to surprise her, but then she sticks her toes to her mouth and it's comfortable, like it's been there 2,374 time before.

Because it has.


Anti-Supermom said...

I should probably add that this is a photo of a photo taken from Walmart's picture stuio... cause I'm cool like that, or ghetto, you decide.

Aryn said...

Cute, cute, cute! She is so freakin' cute! I was to squish her.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Cool/ghetto...whatever. Cute pictures? Cool!

So super cute. It's adorable when babies eat their toes.

Liz Mays said...

I love that she loves it so much!! It's such a funny thing but so cute!

Jill said...

How adorable. Now if I only was still that flexible.

Dawn said...

Oh she's precious. :) Great pic!

Unknown said...

What a sweet face! She's soooo cute!
I love when babies do the cricket with their feet! Happy WW!

Pamela Gold said...

I just had the biggest smile on my face when I saw this picture. She is gorgeous. And look at those feet! Who wouldn't want those in their mouth?

Pamela Gold said...

I just became your 300th follower, WOOT WOOT!!

MommyLisa said...

Awesome - Walmart did a good job. Cute Cute Cute!

Anonymous said...

So very sweet! And definitely cool. All the cool mama's go to WallyWorld.
I still do that foot rubbing thing...only not when I'm excited, when I'm trying to sleep, and I don't think I could get my foot in my mouth if God uttered the prayer Himself. I know, TMI, but that's just me.

amanda said...

oh for the love of baby toes.

sending you happy vibes can make it!!

Tyne said...

You are cool, and all the cool mom's get photos at Walmart. Precious toes, Beth.

Mrs. M said...

Love the picture! I would have never guessed it was a picture of a picture!!

Stacy Uncorked said...

She is absolutely ADORABLE!

WW: Creative Play

Emmy said...

Wow I am impressed with that Walmart picture. They have gotten better than when I last went...which I never will again- but well I am a professional photographer

Beware Alex was a toe sucker as a baby and at 4- well she just barely stopped doing it :)

She is so so cute. Ryder will like this picture of his girlfriend :)

Dawn said...

She is precious!

Mnmom said...

Baby feet are just the best, aren't they!

Shan said...

Adorable! Fynn eats her toes, too, but she always starts off looking like she's trying this out for the first time. Faker, lol.

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Just too stinking cute!!

Kmama said...

Aww! She is sooo adorable. Love those pudgy little toes.

Anonymous said...

so cute,

Rebecca said...

bliss. Walmart bliss.

KLZ said...

Oh, God, I need another baby.

Capital Mom said...

My 2 year old can still do that. Oh for that flexibility.

For the Love of Naps - Sarah said...



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