Tuesday, March 22, 2011

the book of me

My boys discovered some of these books that I wrote when I was in the third grade, which I loved the third grade. I had a group of friends that we'd huddle around in a circle sitting outside on the cement of the playground making fliers for our very own Babysitter's Club (which we never actually started, and by the way, as a mother I would never hire a third grader to babysit, even if the flier was stellar). I thought we were pretty awesome though. We'd walk around chatting with the teacher on recess duty, Mrs. Roffman, about our super awesome babysitter's club.

OK, looking back, we *might* not have been the coolest group of girls in the third grade.

Anyways, back to the books. These books have become some of my kids' favorite bedtime stories. My husband is the one who reads at night, so I'm not sure if they think these books are the bomb or they are making fun of me, I prefer to pretend believe they love me with all their hearts and would never make fun of me because, well... I was literary genius (yes, this is dripping with sarcasm just in case you are new here) especially with books like this one.

Let's take a little look at a few pages from one of my first 'publication'...

(And why were golden birthdays such a big deal when we were kids, did we expect gold plated gifts... I just don't get it?)

I especially love how I drew pictures of earrings and their backs (yes, that's what those silver things are suppose to be).

Don't go hatin' on me because of my awesome canopy bed; it was fluffy and white and prinessy and I loved it.

Obviously, I really enjoyed sharing a room with my sister (and dumb is spelled 'dum', ironic).

More sibling love...

The End.

Yep, I write about my sister being a brat (and a hog and a pig, umm hello... my parents really should have talked to me about image issues), about my older sister yelling at me and my brother who kicks me out of his room and then The End.

Talk about ending on a happy note.

At least I drew hearts and a flower.

And I can tell you how happy I am that my kids are getting such a positive message from their bedtime stories?

Go me.


Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Nothing says "me" like a book about your "love" for your siblings.

Aryn said...

Ha! YOU were the mean one! And the neat one...back then... :)
XOXO. Love ya, sister. -A

Stephanie said...

I read pretty much all the babysitter club books when I was younger, too. I finally gave them to goodwill or something like that. Probably going to regret that when my daughter gets old enough to read.

Stephanie said...

I featured you on my blog.

Janelle Halverson said...

What a riot (my Peanut is in 3rd grade and is not as affectionate towards books/creative projects as she is about the boob tube!). I don't think I have anything of mine like that! I should go hunting for it though! I loved the Babysitters Club too! Great post!

MommyLisa said...

Oh thank goodness I tossed most of that out ages ago. ;) I think Dean Bisek is the cutest - and I think he likes me too because he walked home from school with me. hubba hubba. ;)

Capital Mom said...

I love that you kept it! Although I don't know if I would want to see what I had written as a kid. :-)

amanda said...

i love this :)

i have one that i wrote in college for a class - it's one of lilly's favorites.

Sheri said...

Your book is adorable! At least you were incredibly honest!! It makes me wish I had written my own book back when lol!

I also read the Babysitters Club, loved it!

Shan said...

That's awesome! I chuckled all the way through. With your kids, not at you.

Mandy said...

LOL LOVE it. :)

Jen said...

oh man, this is great. Thank you for sharing your third-grade genius with us.

Emmy said...

Love it! I always used to write books too though I didn't have a canopy bed my big sister did. :)

Rebecca said...

I love "dum dum." If I were your sister, I would have pointed out that you couldn't even spell "dumb dumb" right, so who's the dummy now?

I hope you know I'm kidding. Of course you do.

darcie said...

oh how I wanted a canopy bed in the worst way! of course, it would have never FIT in my bedroom which was approximately 5 feet by 5 feet...but oh how I wanted one...

Alisha Stamper said...

this is really cool. I think keeping these things is good for our kids.

KristinFilut said...

I used to write books like that all of the time! I would die laughing if my kids found them!


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