Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Dear U.S. Census Bureau

Here I am sitting here with a postcard reminding me to complete my 2010 Census. Seriously, I've had the Census sitting by my computer for a week, a week! I get more time to RSVP to a six year old's birthday party at Chuck E. Cheese.

It's not like I have things that might take priority; taking care of four kids, Kindergarten conference, an OB appointment...

OK, you've got me; maybe if it was online I would have it done by now.

So, the postcard is next to me along side the Census and the letter that you sent the week prior to the Census telling me that it was coming. Should I thank you? You spent $.44 mailing the first letter and then again on the Census, another $.28 on the postcard today, that's $1.16 on little ol' me. How nice.

Times that by the millions of US citizens (granted, I assume you got some sort of government postage rate, but for argument sake) and well, that's a heck of a lot of money. Plus, you nag me like I nag my husband about saving the 1% milk for me, but at least I'm way more thirty with a dollar than you.

Promise, I'm working on my Census right after I finish this post.

And like I said, if it was online...


freddielyle said...

If you're really naughty and they still don't get it back after the postcard, they send you a second packet! I got our 2nd yesterday. Yes, I waited a while to fill it out and send it in, but I have already sent in the first one. Talk about impatient!

And my favorite part was the part where it asks for the id of the "first person" who should be an adult then under where it asks for age in small italic it says "if this person is under 1 year of age, enter 0 for age." Now why would the main adult in the home be under 1 year of age? Oxymoron: Government Efficiency

Rita Templeton said...

I so agree about it being MUCH more convenient online. I don't understand why they don't offer that option? I too have gotten two letters, plus the census form. One letter came before the form, and then I got the form itself - which I filled out and had back in the mailbox within fifteen minutes of getting it - and THEN I got a letter yesterday saying "...if you have already filled out the census form, please disregard." Isn't that a lot of money to spend on an "if?"

Murdock's mama said...

This post it too funny because I thought the same thing! We actually got the letter, the census, and TWO postcards! DUH! Not to mention I sent mine back the same night I got it so it wasn't laying around...WHAT A WASTE! 10 years from now...this better be online!

Anonymous said...

My favorite part is when they "ever so nicely" remind you on the postcard that it is against the law not to fill out the census.

Emmy said...

I realized I haven't gotten the reminder post card yet.. but well I haven't checked the mail for the last couple of days either :)

I have it all filled out, ready to go in the envelope.. that mail box just seems to far away somedays :)

Janelle Halverson said...

Oh I heartily agree!!! What a frustration - if Uncle Sam had to watch his pocket book like we all are this country would be in much different shape!!
Also, what in world difference does it make if we are/have hispanics living with us? Interesting question -how is it valid??

Samantha said...

I agree, it should be online. I agree, they shouldn't have spent that money sending us postcards and such telling us 'look in your mail!'... like I don't look at my mail everyday anyway! And also, on top of the money spent sending those, is that paper used. A million postcards & envelopes is a whole bunch of trees, I'm sure. And, if it was online, even less trees would be used!

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

What a waste and a joke? And, that's not just postage..what about the cost of the paper and the envelopes...and the ink and the folding and printing and...well, you get the point.

So glad healthcare is now in their hands...

Dame Nuisance said...

Ah, yes, the Peter Principle at work, ladies and gents. This is how are tax dollars get spent.

Vanessa said...

I thought we were supposed to be saving trees, what happened to our paperless society? We got our friendly reminder postcard today, I had similar thoughts.

Janelle Halverson said...

Interesting thing with this: I was mentioning this to someone who was into work today who said he got the pre-letter, the census, the post-postcard AND he freakin' had THREE Census people come to his door.
Good grief - this just infuriates me - wasted manpower, money, trees, etc
I agree the darn Census is important but there has to be a better way to go about doing this!!!

Wisconsin Parent said...

I was just talking about the budget for government postage. Don't forget all the TV spots and also the print ad in the Parade Magazine. Those probably weren't free. I did mine while driving and on the phone and clipping my nails - all at the same time. Some of us clearly have our priorities. Geez Beth, maybe you guys should move to Canada and get it over with. Eh?

Unknown said...

I know exactly what you mean! And to make it worse? They have been mailing TWO of everything to my home.

What the hell?! Way to throw away money!! Ugh.

darcie said...

our government at work.
it's quite sad actually.

amanda said...

that would be pretty nice if it was online huh?

you should suggest that supermama :)

citymouse said...

Too funny... that's exactly what I was thinking! I think my survey is buried under the pile of bills on the microwave. I guess I better dig it out!

Allison said...

Online would be a great idea! Why didn't they think of that?? Oh...maybe because they're busy trying to pump life into the failing postal system?? I even saw on t.v. a commercial for Census souveneir type things...are people really buying Census 2010 T-shirts??

Anonymous said...

Funny and great post...Good job to the gov't it is not like our country needs it right now or anything right?

Liz Mays said...

I couldn't believe they sent that extra letter. What a waste of money!

I made myself fill it out. I hate forms!

Shan said...

How do you suppose they decide who gets which pieces of extra mail? I got the warning letter, the census... which I mailed off within a few days... and then another letter.

Where's my postcard?!?

And seriously... all the questions are for April 1, 2010. Hasn't even arrived yet. What if something happens to someone in my family? My whole census packet will be a freaking sham!

The Lady of the House said...

I thought the same thing!

Mrs. Mootz said...

I'm with you... if it was online I would have had it finished long ago. As it is...it's still sitting on my desk...

Stopping by from SITS!


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