Monday, August 31, 2009

brains on-a-stick

The awesomeness that is the Minnesota State Fair. People drive across the state and people walk from across the street, people at the state fair run the gamut. I swear, I generally see more butts and boobs at the state fair than I do at the bottom of the pool's water slide.

So, why do I go to the fair? For the food, of course, anything you could ever imagine on-a-stick:
walleye on-a-stick, chocolate covered watermelon on-a-stick, deep fried Snickers on-a-stick, cheesecake on-a-stick, Scotch Eggs on-a-stick (a hard boiled egg, wrapped in sausage, rolled in bread crumbs and deep fried, just in case you wanted to make one of these at home).

The second reason I go, the people watching. I saw a very pregnant woman wearing a beautiful blue smock-type halter dress over a pair of shorts (gawd, I hope there were shorts under there) that were maybe an inch longer than the 'smock'. I watched her lean into her significant other, smile at him and nab his cigarette.

His cigarette.

News flash, lady. Pregnant women shouldn't smoke.

So I walked over there and started yelling at her about the fact that millions of people have problems even conceiving a child, continuing to carry a child, having healthy children... and that there are hundreds of programs out there to help you quit, even money motivators since having a baby inside you doesn't seem like enough.

Not really,
but I would have loved to scream that in her face,

and she didn't just take a puff; she finished the thing and smashed it into the dirt with her plastic flip flop.

I'm hoping that the state fair will be offering up brains-on-a-stick by 2011, I expect it to be perfect timing for her second (or third) pregnancy.


Tamara Dawn said...

Ugh...I hear you! I was at a bar in Wisconsin (if you live in MN then you know bars in WI are always filled with smoke!) this very pregnant lady was working behind the bar and in the hour I was there I saw her smoke at least 4 ciggies. We were all saying comments and giving her nasty looks and she just kept puffing away. I don't understand people like that...

Sincerely Iowa said...

It certainly makes you wonder what kind of parent she will be, doesn't it? Sad!

amanda said...

i sooo don't get the smoking thing. preggers or not. just uck.

but oh how i love me some people watching at the fair! there is nothing quite like it :)

mustangsabby said...

I promised myself that I would quit smoking, and I did. I am so glad I did not have that noose around my (and my baby's) neck when I was pregnant!

I always give the evil eye to women smoking whilst pregnant. I also give them the evil eye if they are smoking once the baby is born, giving it a bottle while they blow smoke in the newborn's face. Grrr...

Heidi said...

I love a good state fair. I have always been amazed at what kind of creatures come crawling from who knows where to make their public apperance for the year! I thought your Scottish egg on a stick idea was rather...interesting. How did it taste? Isn't fried food the best. As for prego, I think it's terribly selfish to smoke with a baby. It always makes me upset to see that kind of thing.

DustieBottoms said...

we never make it to the state fair, but honestly, the county is enough in the people watching arena.

As for the pregnant smoker, that is just really, really sad. I quite smoking nine years ago. Cold turkey, just for ME. I would have been a million times more motivated if I were pregnant. as it is my babies come too early and have low birthweights, I would hate to saddle them with smoking to boot.

Unknown said...

Nothing pisses me off more than a pregnant woman smoking. If they want to kill themselves, fine. But don't bring a child into this world who has no say so whatsoever and do this to them. Just don't.

Same goes for parents who smoke around their children...I especially love the ones who are in their car with the kids and the window is open a crack. Pisses me off to no end!

Other than that--people watching at the fair is a MUST! Hahaha!

Deb said...

I admire your restraint!

Visiting from SITS.

Sweet dreams.

StepherB said...

View this is along the same lines! A woman worried about the effects the sound of a jackhammer will have on her unborn child...yet she is lifting her arm to take a puff of her ciggarette! Lovely!!!

StepherB said... is the article...

? said...

In a moment of weakness during my pregnancy with my son I bought a box of these stick foods you speak of... at Sam's Club. I NEVER try the samples... something about strangers cooking up food at the end of the dog food aisle gives me the heebie jeebies. For some reason this particular time was different, I rounded the corner with my huge pregnant belly and saw the most amazing sample being passed out: a sausage wrapped by a pancake... on a stick. Ingenious. They were SO good. After we devoured that box we swore we would never buy food on a stick again. It's just plain wrong.

Allison said...

I have to say that I just love reading your posts. I always laugh my butt off!

I agree about the pregnant lady smoking. We have problems conceiving and I just want to say to those people, I can't believe you're doing that!

I totally agree about the people watching's so fun!

Shan said...


My brother and sister-in-law, an otherwise intelligent woman, smoked during her entire pregnancy. Any surprise that my niece was born tiny, five weeks early and had to be on a heart monitor for six months? And what kills me is that she and my brother still smoke! Said niece is now 16 and has struggled with family hikes because she can't breathe. Again, Ugh!!!

So... I'm all for brains on a stick. If they won't eat 'em, maybe we can beat them over the head with 'em?

Anonymous said...

Good lord. Some people are so trashy. The TX state fair is the same way. The classiest folks in the lone star state come out of the woodwork for fried twinkies and ferris wheels. And the car show.

Amanda {My Life Badly Written} said...

It happens in this part of the world too, just don't understand it, I too would love to go up and say something but I certainly think...Karma!!!

Janie Woods said...

Plenty of back rolls and bra fat, yeah! Ooo, and you HAVE to love a smokin' pregnant woman in a halter top and daisy dukes. Any tattoos on her? A full set of sleeves would have topped it.

I have always said, if you want to feel good about yourself, sit in the airport and just watch people for an hour. If you have nothing good to say about anyone else, come sit by me...

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Women that smoke during pregnancy are selfish. There isn't anything else to say about that.

That's right up there with kids in the back seat of a car without seat belts on!

LutherLiz said...


Dame Nuisance said...

Pregnant woman smoking = low tide in the gene pool. It's a damn shame she was allowed to reproduce. 'Nuff said.

People watching is great fun, in spite of the more disturbing things you get to see when you do it. At last year's AR State Fair, THE food on a stick item to try was a so-called "pig licker" (I am not making this up, people!) - it was chocolate covered bacon. I was tempted to go to the fair just to try it, but ended up skipping the whole hot mess altogether. But if they have it again this year, I may just have to give in and try it ...

Wisconsin Parent said...

Wow. I got a Fleet Farm ink pin. I saw a pregnant lady at the Carlson Companies smoke shack one day and it took all my will power to keep driving.


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