Thursday, August 20, 2009

is it too early?

You got me, this Anti-Supermom gig is up. On the occasion, I actually worry about what the heck will happen to my children next.


Henry will be starting full-time Kindergarten in less than two weeks, these are a few of the things that I've been freaking out thinking about:

-Is being immersed in the Chinese language going to make him pee his pants, like he'll be worried that she will have no idea what he is saying/asking since the same will go for him?

-If he does make it to the restroom; who will tell him, when he walks out, that his zipper is down or even worse, he hasn't snapped up his pants, has his shirt tucked into his underwear and has his pockets pulled out?

-Is he going to remember everything that he has apparently forgotten over the summer, like the ABCs? (seriously)

-Is he going to learn any ability to sit still and listen, maybe not be as loud as he has been all. summer. long?

-Is he going to wash his face off, spaghetti sauce on his chin, ketchup smeared across his left check, barbecue sauce on his forehead (which I have no idea how it gets there, but believe me, it happens all the time to him)? Is he even going to look in the mirror to notice/care?

-Thanks to some 'lovely' commenter, I'm worried about poopie posts being read out-loud during lunchtime, making Henry blush or worse, cry. (Wait, they're 5 years old, they can't read...) I deleted your 'well-intended' comment BTW, congrats on being my first deleted comment!

-Is someone going to tell him to get off the bus? The school is out-of-district, he'll be nowhere near his home when he gets off, so will someone please remind to get off the bus?


Is it too early to give him a cell phone, maybe install a web cam on his backpack?


Wisconsin Parent said...

Tracking chip. I'd go for that. A friend of mine has a 12 year old and apparently she is still dealing with the pants zipper. I think it is a boy thing. Eventually they move off to college and we freak out about that to. The joke will be on us when they move back home! I suggest just drinking whiskey that morning and he'll be fine!

Shan said...

Those last two weeks can be something to get through, but you can do it! At least, since he'll be riding the bus, you can just go back into your house and quietly dab a few tears away in peace. And get through the day without him. And be amazed at how well he *will* do in this new environment. By the end of the second day of school you'll still be in shock a little, but you'll be so proud of him you won't know how to contain it.

Harley Mom of Three said...

About the busing, you can call the school district's transportation department to find out if the driver has an assistant. The assistant usually helps to make sure that the kids get off at the right stop, at least here they do. Kids at this age pick up language super quick. You never know, he may come running in the door after his first day of school screaming "Mommy, I love Kindergarten!"

I hope that all will go easily for all of you.

Unknown said...

Maybe install a nanny cam in his classroom...hehe, just kidding!

I'm sure everything will go wonderfully! I'll be thinking of you guys and sending you lots of (((hugs))) for those first few days.

Ronnica said...

I can't imagine what it must be like to send of your child to school!

LutherLiz said...

No advice just thoughts for you guys as you take this next step. I think you'll be surprised how quickly he catches on. I'm constantly amazed at the resilance of children.

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

Teachers and friends will totally help him along. And everything will work out! You'll be amazed!

I'm pretty sure all of these transitions are much harder on mom then the kiddos.

BTW...I hope I didn't write anything about a poopie story...I don't think I did;)

Heidi said...

My suggestion. Take a deep breath! I know how scary all day kindergarten can sound, but it's great! They learn so much more! The first week will be the worst, find a new hobby that will last aleast through the week. But my biggest suggestion, volunteer, volunteer, volunteer. Ask your son's teacher if you can come in once a week and help out. It makes it slightly easier to cut the apron strings if you can see that he's being taken care of. PTA's a great way to get into the school to see what's going on. I have a kindergartner starting this year too. But we found out today (3 days before school starts) that they hired a new teacher and my daughter's name was drawn out of a hat to be moved. Yikes, I understand the nervousness you're feeling.

N. Angail said...

Aww, poor thing. So much to worry about. Is this what I have to look forward to when my girl gets older? I better get ready now.

OHmommy said...

hahahaha.... I had a lot of the same worries. don't worry too much. he will be fine. they all are. xo

Unknown said...

No worries, he will be just fine! I raised 3 boys!!

Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!!

Anonymous said...

Since I homeschool, I've never walked in your shoes. But I imagine it would be hard and I would worry about alot of those same things

Happy Saturday Sharefest!

Sew Can Do said...

Happy SITS Saturday! Your blog is so fun. Glad to see other moms out there who worry about crazy stuff too.

DustieBottoms said...

Ahh, that first day of kindergarten is so hard on us moms. Waaaaayyy worse for us than them, believe me. Two things boys need to know before starting school: don't eat your boogers or talk about bodily functions. lol

Marketing Mama said...

yeah... I knew you had that worry gene in you somewhere. :)

So is it a total Chinese Immersion school? That's so cool! I bet he'll do great!

Angela said...

Your blog is funny...your title too. :)
My son is going to kindergarten in a few weeks too and now I have a bunch of new crazies to worry about. Thanks. Just kidding.

Chinese immersion? Wow that's awesome. I thought the metro area only had french and spanish. None of them are in our area, but chinese? Congrats on getting it all set up.


natalee said...

found you from sits.. im following you now...great blog come visit me

MoxieMamaKC said...

Do you want to sit next to me on the Mama Freak Out Bus? My daughter is going to a French Immersion Kindergarten tommorow!! I'm overwhelmed by the same things. Hang in there! It will be ok.

dahozho said...

Oh, to be able to wait until kindergarten to have these questions! My little guy begins his preschool next week at 18 mos. (ok, he's 17 mos until the end of next month).

Languages come so easily at these young ages, I know your little guy will adjust and pick up new words/phrases magnificently! (The small fry understands and has some words of Ethopian (his sitter's first language)-- so my sitter and I are always comparing what he's saying so we can figure him out!)

My bathroom problems began when he was 14 mos-- and discovered how to take OFF his diaper!!! Yes, he can take of his socks, pants and diaper all in about the space of a minute. So its oneies and zip-up jammies for us for awhile. I have some shirts for him, but we'll have to see if that will work yet...

He has his own backpack now and *loves* carrying it around. Its incredibly cute, as you can just see his head and a little of his legs from behind. (Its empty, btw)

I agree with Shan-- you are going to be SO proud of him when you see him growing in leaps and bounds!! (But it is hard to let go...)

A full day of 'school' may seem a bit much to most people, but believe me, this kid is ready. Oh, is he ready. Now, if he'll just take naps with the rest of the kids...

amanda said...

shut up?? chinese?? honey seriously i knew i was not as cool as you - but this takes the cake!!

i want more details!!

and i know everyone else has already said it - but he and you will be fine. transitions are always the hardest.


Cara said...

Happy SITS Day!!



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