Pronunciation (di-zurt mouth z)–nouns
The need for cake, pie, fruit, pudding, ice cream, candy, ect., (preferably chocolate flavored), served as the final course of a meal to continue the permanent sweet taste in mouth for the entire awake period.
Unfortunately, my ‘dessert mouth’ has become a full blown problem as I find myself believing that breakfast is a meal necessitating dessert afterwards. Seriously, I need to donate
My children are to blame for this one, completely their faults.
(Darn them being so cute in their Halloween costumes.)
OMG I so so so hear you on this one. Where is my self-control??? I've been eating candy for a week and really can't stop. I keep popping stuff in my mouth and not even thinking about it . . . ughhh. The kids aren't even that interested and I'm secretly dreaming of it at night :-) Yes, I'm all dessert mouth!!! Pretty soon it will be joined by my new "dessert thighs".
You crack me up!! You should have put a picture of my face next to the definition--with me stuffing my face with anything sweet.
And then I wonder why I can't lose any!
I woke up this morning thinking, Halleluiah, the candy's gone! No more temptations for me. That doesn't mean that dessert has been eliminated as our after dinner treat.
I sent mine away with husband right away--and then I made some bread pudding to keep the dessert mouth a little happy ;)
Well at least you are having actual breakfast first. I'd just be having the dessert.
I'm so with you. I just finished some toast, and now I want candy...I think I'll go get some.
Donating shmomating! I'm keeping my candy... ahem I mean their candy.
I have to take a moment to say how much I puffy heart Henry. I read so many blogs and see so many kids daily but there is something about that boy that I especially love. His picture always makes me smile and I mean that in a very non stalkery sort of way.
i am so with you!
still suffering from dessert mouth here. but i am not complaining. instead i am enjoying every sweet morsel!!
How funny, dessert after breakfast? I hid my kids' halloween candy so I wouldn't have to share with them!
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