Wednesday, July 16, 2008

the end of my love affair

There's not much that trumps my desire to cut corners whenever humanly possible. It's hard to imagine that I might have even been more 'lazy' when I was without children, but there I was ordering my groceries online when I had no one (or two) blabbing about getting the Reese's Puffs now or fussing about not being able to steer the car cart.

I loved ordering my groceries online. I'd grab a Diet Coke, settle in front of my computer during my lunch break and peruse the virtual aisles. I could order Panera Cinnamon Crunch bagels alongside my celery stalks. I could finally get my favorite bottle of wine and my favorite toilet paper with one purchase. Oh the luxury of it all!

Alas, my love affair had to end. The one thing that does trump my laziness is my cheapness. We had a child, I decided to stay home with Henry which cut my income by roughly 70% (it still hurts a little in writing that) and those lovely green containers (and lovely delivery men) that arrived on my doorstep every Wednesday night had to stop.

Today, I find out that my online grocery store, Simon Delivers is closing. I'm heartbroken, though I know our affair was a short one, lasting only one year, I still hold it so dearly in my heart. I know there are others out there, but it is you, Simon Delivers who I counted on being there for me. There will come a day when I can afford once again to be little bit lazier and thought you would still be there for me, your virtual glass doors sliding open, welcoming me to the grocery shopping experience of my dreams. Now, it is simply that, a dream. Farewell my sweet Prince of online grocery shopping.


Rebecca said...

I had dreams of someday using Simon. I guess that's the problem. Too many of us were saying, "I'd LOVE to pay you to deliver my groceries. Maybe someday." And not enough people were actually paying them to do it.

It is sad.

I can't complain, though. My husband delivers our groceries for free.

Kristen said...

I think grocery deliveries sound heavenly.

What a load off that would be. :)

McMommy said...

I used to order my groceries online when it was just my husband and kids. It was heavenly.

Then it closed down.

Right when I had my first baby.

Can you say HORRIBLE TIMING?!?!

Marla said...

oh the things we trade for kids:)

kristine said...

i never got to use it either! i would say i wish i would have tried it but i think that would have been dangerous!

Miss Lisa said...

I am weird--I love grocery shopping--picking fresh produce, smelling the fresh bread...I'm a dork ;)

Emilie said...

I feel the same way. We started using Simon off and on when Daniel was born. It was so convenient; we didn't mind paying for it. I have been feeling sad this week, thinking about how much I will miss Simon. (We just got our last delivery last night.)

A Crafty Mom said...

OMG, that is so funny!! I'm sure someday out there there will be better and improved online grocery shopping and delivery waiting for you as your kids hit college :-)

I was actually chatting with my hubby last night about "stuff" we did before our kids that we couldn't dream of doing now. We ate out SO MUCH it wasn't funny, and totally took it for granted. I'd kill now for a free night to eat at a real restaurant, lol. And I hear ya on the income cut - NOT FUN at all, we did the same thing.

Eve Grey said...

We don't even have that option here! I used to enjoy grocery shopping for two, just my husband and I. Now? Not so much.

BookMamma said...

Online grocery shopping sounds devine. None of the "I want DAT, Mommy" ot "Gimme DAT now!" to contend with. I love to go gorcery shopping, but its so time consuming with the boys.

Ah, well. Such is life. Let us know if you come across another good delivery service!


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