Wednesday, February 1, 2012

a tutorial worth pinning

I know many of you will be asking me to post this up on Pinterest so you can get a step-by-step tutorial on how to get the perfect family photo (after seeing my previous family photo), but I haven't succumbed to pinning stuff, just yet, so a blog post will have to suffice. My apologies.

So, have your family go to Chuck E. Cheese. (No remarks on the cleanliness level of your Chuck E. Cheese, please.)

Deposit one coin into the sketch photo booth thing with half your family members.

Next, deposit a second coin with the other half of your family members. (Remember to point clearly to where the camera is and where it isn't.)


Trim to fit, scotch tape together and there you have it.

The perfect family photo... for the cost of only two coins (and perhaps your sanity as children around you are screaming about you taking too long in the photo booth).


Anonymous said...

Great looking family

saucersrus said...

LOVE this!! Next time I am forced to go to Chuck E. Cheese I'm gonna make this part of the agreement. We are missing the Chuck E. Cheese in Pensacola, FL where they also served beer to make the visit more tolerable for parents!!

Galit Breen said...

Hee! Love this {so much!}!

amanda said...

oh my goodness!! i LOVE it!! seriously friend - brilliant idea!! we have a ton of these from lilly's party (none of the four of us of course but coupled off)! how seriously cute is this!! for real! i love love love that machine!! so flippin fun!!

for real - when we come this summer i want this on your mantle!!

Shan said...


Except the girls don't even know about Chuck E Cheese. Please, isn't there another way?!?

Krystyn @ Really, Are You Serious? said...

That is awesome-sauce. I love it.

We are supposed to go to CEC this weekend for a party (unless somebody makes an appearance..I'm not holding my breath). Maybe we'll give it a try.

Marie said...

I love, love, love this!

On another note, we were pleasantly surprised at the quality of food the last time we were there. Tip: Go to Chuck E. Cheese at 10:00 a.m. on a Sunday morning. You'll have the run of the place and everything is fresh.

Xazmin said...

I love it! It IS perfect! Don't worry, I'm sure someone else will pin it for me!

Jamie H said...

Too funny!! I'm actually impressed at how those Chuck E. Cheese photos turn out. I've got a great one of our family from a few years back too!

Emmy said...

Lol! And hey your Husband's whole head is in it! My kids love Chuck- E- Cheese

Steph said...

lol! love it!

Heather B said...

omg. i love it!!

busana muslim said...

I like that that you say {as|like} my friend thanks

darcie said...

I'm a pinterest hold out too...&, what a brilliant idea for a family photo!!

Trina said...

That's such a lovely idea! I wouldn't have to buy photobooth. It's inexpensive, too.


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