Friday, February 24, 2012

just another WTF Friday

Dearest Caillou,

I'm going to be blunt, you are not normal.

Let's just lay out the facts here:

1) You're a 4 years old and you still have no hair. My children were all bald, but they eventually grew hair, and it was way before 4.

2) You're always playing by yourself and your parents are somehow doing other stuff; like talking on the phone, cooking dinner, chatting with friends... you are never playing with your parents and apparently, you're fine with that. (Does anyone in real life have uninterrupted phone conversations? Yeah, I didn't think so.)

3) You wear hats to bed. You probably wear socks too (shuttering at that thought).

4) Your voice is akin to a helium balloon being stretched apart and slowly leaking air out, and has anyone ever mentioned that you might whine complain a bit too much?

5) And apparently, from the book I just checked out from the library, you wake up at 10 in the morning.

See the close up of the clock:

I've heard from other parents that their kids get up at 5am, and I'm pretty certain I would die if that was me. I'm lucky enough to not have to drip coffee into my veins intravenously, but are any parents really getting to sleep in until 10am?

Come on, Caillou, WTF.


Mrs. M said...

haha! I could never figure out the hair thing either.

Out of curiousity I just googled "why is Calliou bald" and I learned two things.

1) Apparently someone googles that at least once a day. It is very concerning to the world. and

2) According to Chouette-Publishing "Caillou stands for all children. He doesn't have curly blond hair, a carrot-top, brown hair, glasses, or ethnic features, because he represents all children. We wanted to make Caillou universal so every child could identify with him. And they do! Caillou's baldness may make him different, but we hope it's helping children understand that being different isn't just okay, it's normal".

Well, alright then. :)

Rita Templeton said...

Caillou drives me nuts, for all the reasons you mentioned, and then some that I can't put my finger on. Same with his little sister Rosie. Too bad my kids love him!! *sigh*

4luvandlife said...

Very funny!

Marie said...

HIL. ARE. EE. US. (translation, hilarious).

You are so funny!

Unknown said...

Eli loves Caillou, but we had to put him in Cartoon Purgatory because he brings out the devil in my son. I'm not even joking. And Hubs thinks he's creepy. lol.

MommyLisa said...

I do not think anything is more irritating than Caillou. That said, I got my neice a t-shirt and DVD's cuz my bro said that was her favorite show.

amanda said...

not a fan. him or syd the science kid. ugh.

ps - missed you!

An Imperfect Momma said...

seriously though. What the crap is up with this kid?! I cant stand Calliou either

Kirsten Tharp said...

Caillou does not bother me as much as Caillou's parents. Just once, I want one of them to raise their voice or mis-handle a parenting situation- but no. They are perfect. Add in the fact they live in the perfect house, with grandparents nearby who do art projects and take them camping and fishing and live in a neighborhood that is quiet and quaint unless you need to visit a multi-cultural neighbor or ride the subway. I suppose I enjoy watching tv to escape reality and perhaps that is the draw for my own kids because their reality is nothing like Caillou's perfect parents...

Galit Breen said...

Hee! So true. So, so very true! :)

darcie said...

OMG you crack me up!
10:00? Niiiice!

My kids are the ones who get up around 5...well, actually, that's not true - it's more like 6 now...but really, what's the difference?

Emmy said...

Lol! Love it. My brother's kids sleep in that late- but they also keep them up until 11:00 PM--yea don't get me started about that


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